KI4U, Inc. has been written up in ...
NYTimes (6/13/02), Wall Street Journal (3/14/03 & 10/5/01), USAToday (6/11/02 & 7/11/02), Washington Post (4/13/03 & 3/16/03), Boston Globe (8/13/05), SF Chronicle (6/23/02), Newsday (11/24/01), WND (05, 06), IEEE Spectrum (9/01), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (5/04), National Defense Mag (3/04). And, our products seen on CNN, FOX, CBS, TIME mag with radio interviews on 'Coast to Coast', NPR, Glenn Beck and numerous others, also... Glenn Beck's CNN TV Show (10/12/2006) ~ KHOU TV Interview (5/1/2012) ~ Shipping Wars (8/28/2012) ~ KTBC TV Interview (1/31/2013)
'Surviving A Nuclear Disaster!' YT Interview (12/20/2013) ~ 'Campaign:1950s NUKE SURIVAL SKILLS NEEDED NOW' WND (7/20/2014)
See Our Latest 2019 Video Here
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness 2020 Conference presentation of The Good News About Nuclear Destruction!

Last Updated: February 12th, 2025

KI4U Nuke Prep Expertise & Solutions!

If you do nothing else here, read our myth-busting expose...

The Good News About Nuclear Destruction!

...and then our popular & essential family guide for...

What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent!

...and our latest guide detailing protection from overseas fallout...

When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like From Japan Fukushima Nuclear Crisis)

We've been promoting Nuclear Civil Defense Training of the public for well over two decades!
See where our proposal was voted & ranked #1 a year before Fukushima, here at...

FREE Radiation Contamination Testing For Your Home & Local Area!

"KI4U's practical family nuclear disaster guides and essential resources address a critical void in our nations nuclear preparedness. For over a dozen years they've been the model of what I'd have liked to have seen DHS and FEMA doing all along in a very big way nationwide."

Allen Brodsky, Sc.D., CHP, CIH, Diplomate, American Board of Radiology, Adjunct Professor of Radiation Science, Georgetown University

- Senior Scientist at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), McLean, VA.
- Senior Health Physicist at U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Washington, DC
- Tech Director Radiation Medicine Unit, PBU Hospital, managed plutonium contaminated patients
- Radiation Hazards Physicist at U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Washington, D.C.
- Physicist, Radef Officer at Federal Civil Defense Administration, training responders in fallout
- Physicist, 2nd H Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll measuring prompt neutron spectra & dose vs. distance
- Physicist, 1st H Bomb Test at Enewetak Atoll measuring prompt gamma radiation signals
- Head, Health Physics Unit at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C



KI4U, Inc.
212 Oil Patch Lane
Gonzales, TX 78629
(830) 672-8734

History, Expertise & Products...

KI4U, Inc. is much more than just a licensed Radiation Calibration Laboratory...

We've been promoting Nuclear Civil Defense Training of the public for close to two decades. See where our proposal was voted & ranked #1 at DHS & FEMA National Dialogue on Preparedness a year before Fukushima!

Two months after the above Local, State, Tribal, and Federal Preparedness Task Force produced a report of findings and recommendations for Congress, we saw in the NYTimes U.S. Rethinks Strategy for the Unthinkable and from USAToday L.A. dry run shows urban nuke attack 'a survivable event'. We'd like to think we helped spur along that govt reassessment of the utility of Civil Defense training of the public for nuclear disasters. We'd hoped the govt would follow up with a comprehensive program to instruct the public in the specifics of how to better survive a future nuclear event. We're still waiting, but in the meantime, fortunately, we still have our FREE guides available; The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! and What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent!

We've also been offering Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, the thyroid-protecting anti-radiation pills since 1999, long before most saw any need for it. We've supplied the Federal Government, military, and many state and municipal governments, as well as to doctors, hospitals and pharmacies. (Including 300,000 doses of Potassium Iodide pills ordered shortly after 9/11 by the Office of Emergency Preparedness, and picked up by Lear Jet the same day.) Also, tens of thousands of individuals and families have bought KI direct from us via the internet here.

We've invested heavily to secure the largest private emergency inventory of Potassium Iodide (KI) in the USA, and delivered over 6 million doses worldwide since the Fukushima tragedy, but still know this won't be anywhere near enough in a future major nuclear emergency. Nor, is enough of it likely to be exactly where it's needed when the time comes, either, until the day every family already has their own supply. We are the exclusive national distributor of ThyroSafe™, the only FDA approved split-dosage, essential to prompt and accurate dosing of children. Our popular informational FAQ site details it all at 'Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ' which begins further down this same page.

We also show the public and govt agencies 'emergency alternatives' for the inadequate supply of available Potassium Iodide tablets if/when anything nuclear gets unleashed here in the USA. For large groups, especially those on tight budgets, these are viable alternatives even now. We are not concerned that some won't then buy our Potassium Iodide pills because there, unfortunately, won't be enough available anyways, when really needed quickly. That emergency Plan "B" if no KI pills available is here...

Additionally, eight months prior to 9/11/01, we acquired from FEMA over 100,000 Civil Defense radiation detecting survey meters, dosimeters, monitors and geiger counters from the Federal Depot in Fort Worth, TX. That required 12 tractor trailers to ship the 416 pallet loads down to our warehouse/lab in Gonzales, TX.

Our inventory here represents the largest non-government source of these Civil Defense radiation detector instruments and we are the only private rad lab in the country that specializes in re-calibrating these CD survey meters, geiger counters, dosimeters and monitors.

We are licensed and authorized to re-calibrate and re-certify these radiation detection instruments with our three high-range Cesium-137 calibrators here and our lab staff of 6 trained & certified radiological employees. We utilize the unique Dept. of Army - Office of Civil Defense calibrators that were specifically made for calibrating all these Civil Defense survey meters and dosimeters. We are licensed to do so in conformance to the standards as set forth by the State of Texas Bureau of Radiation Control, FEMA, ASTM and the NRC, all of which we adhere to.

These same, field-proven for decades, FEMA Civil Defense radiation meters and dosimeters are still in-use by thousands of First-Responders across the country! We daily have state agencies and municipalities shipping us their Civil Defense instruments to be re-calibrated, as well as from the general public. We detail our calibration services here...

We also make them available, along with FEMA manuals, to government agencies and the general public here.
More info at our FAQ entitled: 'Civil Defense Rad Meters, Geiger Counters and Dosimeters FAQ' at...

In 2002, we introduced an additional FAQ focusing on the effects of nuclear blasts and fallout and the protective strategies families can effectively employ. Free detailed info for DIY building of fallout shelters and the on-line FREE version of the Oak Ridge National Labs book; 'Nuclear War Survival Skills' can be found there. Also, sources for 'ready built' commercial versions, including our own inexpensive design fabricated here, can all be seen at the 'Nuclear Blast & Fallout Shelters FAQ' here...

The fallout shelters are not our fastest sellers... yet. We often feel here like Noah building mini-arks, and until the fallout begins to rain down, most folks won't take the need for one seriously. Of course, most didn't take terrorism & KI seriously either, before 9/11.

But, that's OK, too, IF you learn now how readily you can make a corner of your home into a truly effective family fallout shelter. You'll be pleasantly surprised discovering in our FREE guide; WHAT TO DO IF A NUCLEAR DISASTER IS IMMINENT! how little time, money, and energy it really requires to make that essential difference for your family survival. Abandon any myths of nuclear un-survivability and prepare your family now to endure confidently, when you discover the facts there and at THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION!.

In 2002, we also released a FAQ on MRE's (Meals, Ready-to-Eat) and had, until FEMA bought most of it out for Katrina, over 180,000+ Entree's of this long-storage food in inventory. This is the same as what our military are eating in the M.E. right now. The MRE FAQ, along with super pricing on factory fresh drop-shipped pallet loads here...

In January of 2003, we introduced at the National Health Physics Society Annual Convention our breakthrough NukAlert™. This is a patented, matchbox sized, key-chain attachable, personal radiation monitoring and alarming device. With its ten year battery it is always "ON" 24/7 continuously monitoring the local environment of the user. Details of the popular NukAlert™, acquired by our military and govt agencies, including it's passing EMP testing by the Naval Air Warfare Center, can be seen here...

More recently, after eight months of R&D with military contractor, we were proud to have introduced in July of 2010 the RADSticker™ peel & stick, postage stamp sized, instant color developing dosimeter. This inexpensive $5 dosimeter will both dampen public panic and safely enable First-Responders into where most needed in a future radiation emergency. See the RADSticker™ here.

And, even more recently, we've opened our lab up to the public with FREE Radiation Contamination Testing For Your Home & Local Area!

And, in July, 2014, with Physicians for Civil Defense we put up the first Good News About Nuclear Destruction billboard in SLC, UT.

Our primary mission, thoughout, has always been one of education and dispelling the myths of nuclear and radiation un-survivability that hold back the majority from seriously embracing life-saving family preparations. See/read; THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION! If/when the country is ever in a panic again, like during the 'Cuban Missile Crisis', everyone will also need our FREE guide; WHAT TO DO IF A NUCLEAR DISASTER IS IMMINENT! And, our latest guide detailing protection from overseas fallout; When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!

We've been promoting Nuclear Civil Defense Training of the public for well over a decade. See where our proposal was voted & ranked #1 at DHS & FEMA National Dialogue on Preparedness a year before Fukushima!

For much of the above, we are the sole public source. And, we are continually developing new innovative solutions which can all be found and seen on our products page at And, links to our popular and acclaimed, very practical, informational FAQ's. And, for two of the books we sell; 'Nuclear War Survival Skills' and the FEMA 'Radiation Safety in Shelters' they are also both available to just read or print out for free there, too! Also, all our product pricing is very competitive as we strive to assure that more fellow Americans might then be able to afford these essential family preps. Our modest profit attitude here is that it's a tool to build ever larger emergency inventories now for the coming need, to then be able serve more on that day 'none will ever forget'.

We look at all of this like you would medical or fire insurance, where you never acquire it eagerly looking forward to getting to use it anytime soon, but will be very glad to have it, if it is ever needed! We tell all our product customers that we hope/pray these nuke preps all get a chance to gather much dust upon their shelves un-used for many years! I've got a family, kids and grandkids now, too, and truly wish none of these preps was needed. I'd eagerly, and quite joyfully, go about finding something else to do, if that was the case. Unfortunately, it is not.

Feel free to call or e-mail me, if any questions or comments.

Best Regards,
Shane Connor
(830) 672-8734

"A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them;
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
- Proverbs 22:3

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Potassium Iodide

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billboard promotion web site here!

Click Here For KI4U Products!

Shane Connor

BTW, We are no 'Johnny-Come-Lately' sounding the call to prepare!
In fact, we've been well ahead of the curve for quite awhile now!

Our 'Got KI' billboard by the Austin airport
(Our 'Got KI?' billboard next to Austin airport in 2001 for six months.)

Check out our pre 9/11 Press Releases in 1999 and 2000, too!
Few others were warning to prep for nuclear terrorism back then!

So, you might want to see what we've been doing recently in SLC, UT July, 2014...

Our 'Good News About Nuclear Destruction' billboard in LSC, UT

Be sure to also read our very popular guides...

The Good News About Nuclear Destruction!

What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent!

When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! Overseas Fallout Coming Here!

And, here's a few of our other KI4U 'adventures' of interest...

Story & Photos of KI4U, Inc. New Orleans Katrina Emergency Response!

Venezuela's Chavez 'Clear and Present Danger' revealed here a decade ago!

Potassium Iodide
Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ   & iodine tablets, pills, sources
  • Radioactive Iodine (Radioiodine) is a major radioisotope constituent of both nuclear power plant accidents and nuclear bomb explosions and can travel hundreds of miles on the winds. Thyroid cancer attributable to Chernobyl "...has been documented up to 500 km from the accident site." The maximum measured radioactive contamination of milk in the United States by radioiodine from the Chernobyl disaster was in milk produced by cows grazing on pasture in Washington: 560 picocuries per liter. Customary levels are normally 2-3 picocuries per liter.

  • Even very small amounts of inhaled or ingested radioiodine can do grave damage as it will always concentrate, and be retained, in the small space of the thyroid gland. Eventually giving such a large radiation dose to thyroid cells there that abnormalities are likely to result, such as loss of thyroid function, nodules in the thyroid, or thyroid cancer. (Each year 12,000 Americans discover they have thyroid cancer, though from various assorted causes, and about 1000 die from it.)

  • Chernobyl has shown, and continues to reveal, that the greatest danger from radioiodine is to the tiny thyroid glands of children. Researchers have found that in certain parts of Belarus, for example, 36.4 per cent of children, who were under the age of four at the time of the accident, can expect to develop thyroid cancer.

  • Health experts now estimate that the greatest health concerns affecting the largest number of people from a nuclear accident, or nuclear bomb explosion(s) anywhere in the world, will likely be from the release of radioiodine that is then carried downwind for hundreds of miles. While there will also be many other dangerous radioisotopes released along with radioiodine, if they are inhaled or ingested they are normally dispersed throughout a body and pose less of a risk than if they were to be concentrated into one small specific area of the body, like radioiodine is in the thyroid gland. So, as a plume or cloud of radioactive isotopes disperses with the wind its danger also diminshes, but much less quickly so for radioiodine because whatever little there is left, that's inhaled or ingested, will always then be concentrated into that small space of the thyroid gland.

  • From we see reported that:

      Chernobyl also demonstrated that the need to protect the thyroid from radiation was greater than expected. Within ten years of the accident, it became clear that thyroid damage caused by released radioactive iodine was virtually the only adverse health effect that could be measured. As reported by the NRC, studies after the accident showed, that "As of 1996, except for thyroid cancer, there has been no confirmed increase in the rates of other cancers, including leukemia, among the...public, that have been attributed to releases from the accident."

      Researchers at the World Health Organization accurately located and counted the cancer victims from Chernobyl and were startled to find that "the increase in incidence [of thyroid cancer] has been documented up to 500 km from the accident site...significant doses from radioactive iodine can occur hundreds of kilometers from the site, beyond emergency planning zones." Consequently, far more people than anticipated were affected by the radiation, which caused the United Nations to report in 2002 that "The number of people with thyroid cancer...has exceeded expectations. Over 11,000 cases have already been reported."

  • The good news is that taking either Potassium Iodide (KI) or Potassium Iodate (KIO3) before exposure will saturate (fill up) a persons thyroid gland with safe stable iodine to where there is no room for later uptake of radioactive iodine. Once the thyroid is saturated, then any additional iodine (radioactive or stable) that is later inhaled or ingested is quickly eliminated via the kidneys.

  • From we see reported about KI use during Chernobyl event that:

      Poland, 300 miles from Chernobyl, also gave out KI to protect its population. Approximately 18 million doses were distributed, with follow-up studies showing no known thyroid cancer among KI recipients. But time has shown that people living in irradiated areas where KI was not available have developed thyroid cancer at epidemic levels, which is why the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported "The data clearly demonstrate the risks of thyroid radiation...KI can be used [to] provide safe and effective protection against thyroid cancer caused by irradiation."

  • The bad news is that after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and Fukushima all available KI and KIO3 supplies disappeared for months, almost overnight! The KI and KIO3 market is very thin and current limited inventory will be quickly depleted in any nuclear emergency occuring anywhere in the world. (At we expect to be largely 'out of business' within days of any nuclear emergency simply because we'll be totally sold-out with no illusions of getting re-supplied again any time soon!)

  • Potassium Iodide (KI) and/or Potassium Iodate (KIO3) has already been stockpiled by most developed countries for future nuclear emergencies, they figured it out after Chernobyl, but here in the USA they've only just begun. (We rushed 300,000 doses to HHS Office of Emergency Prepardness after 9/11, which represented half of our nations stockpile then.) However, very limited quantities will be available for individual purchase in the USA by the public after an 'event'. (Potassium Iodide (KI) has long been recognized and approved by the FDA for sale for this purpose without a prescription. Unfortunately, it is an over-the-counter (OTC) drug that's to be found on too few counters here in the USA!)

  • KI is currently available on the internet here.

  • P.S.- KI or KIO3 would likely not be needed for the so-called 'Dirty Bomb' or RDD (Radiological Dispersal Device). Radioactive Iodine is only produced in quantity by a fission or fusion weapon detonation or in a Nuclear Power Plant as a byproduct of that process. There is some small medical radioactive iodine, but it's impractical as a bomb component with its short half-life. An RDD simply spreads around existing radioactive material and it's not very likely to have been composed of the relatively short half-life radioactive iodine. We'd more likely see used in an RDD a commercially abundant, and more easily obtained, isotope like Cobalt-60, Cesium-137 or uranium fuel rods, etc.

  • See and read our latest report, detailing thyroid protection with KI from overseas fallout, here...
    When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!

Comments or Suggestions:

KI4U, Inc.
212 Oil Patch Lane
Gonzales, Texas, 78629
(830) 672-8734

Potassium & Iodide Potassium & Iodate Potassium & Iodine
Potassium Iodide Potassium Iodate Potassium Iodine Ark II

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