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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Americans Buying Anti-Radiation Pills on the Net Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ Leading the Way October 17, 2000 (INB) -- While various government agencies continue a 20 year long debate over funding the stockpiling of Potassium Iodide in case of nuclear accidents, war, and now even terrorism, many Americans aren't waiting any longer. At http://www.ki4u.com/ they are learning all about anti-radiation potassium iodide pills and discovering all the sources to also buy it on the Internet. "With news of the recent tensions in the Mid-East, Pakistan, Taiwan, and elsewhere, and continuing reports of the growing numbers of thyroid cancers amongst unprotected Chernobyl victims, Americans are increasingly seeking out their own sources for these potassium iodide radiation protection medicines," says Author, Shane Connor. "Some are even buying Potassium Iodide with concerns of suit-case nuclear bomb terrorism, or fear a nuclear exchange overseas where radioactive fallout then reaches out to our shores here via the winds." Connors latest work, the comprehensive "Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ," which draws extensively from government agencies, medical sources and qualified experts, fully answers:
As Chernobyl proved, and health experts now agree, the greatest health concerns affecting the largest number of people from a nuclear accident or explosion are likely to be from radioactive iodine readily carried by the winds many miles downwind from the site of a nuclear event. "Governments world-wide are now stockpiling potassium iodide. Amongst them are Japan, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Sweden, and Russia, but, amazingly, not the U.S. However, American citizens aren't waiting anymore; they are discovering at http://www.ki4u.com why and where to buy it on their own," Connor says. (Currently over 1,200 unique visitors daily via word-of-mouth alone.) Connor says, "Visitors to the FAQ come looking for, and are finding, reliable anti-radiation potassium iodide pill information and resources to protect their families from future nuclear emergencies. He continues, "The FAQ visitors also discover that, after Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, all available potassium iodide supplies disappeared for months, almost overnight. They are wanting to put some aside today for their families and an uncertain future." The author of the FAQ at http://www.ki4u.com/, Shane Connor from South Texas, has been a life-long advocate of family preparedness. He equates stocking away some potassium iodide anti-radiation pills to the Life and medical insurance his Dad, at 74, still sells. "Just like buying insurance to protect our families, just-in-case, we also still hope and pray never to have to use it anytime soon." For more information visit the Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ at http://www.ki4u.com/. |
If you do nothing else here, read our myth-busting expose...
The Good News About Nuclear Destruction!
...and then our popular & essential family guide for...
What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent!
...and our latest detailing protection from overseas fallout...
When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!
To See Why Potassium Iodide Pills will be all the rage then!
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