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J. D. Teresi and C. L. Newcombe, 1961

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J. D. Teresi and C. L. Newcombe, "Calculations of maximum permissible concentrations of radioactive fallout in water and air based upon military exposure criteria," Health Physics 4:275-288, 1961.

Table 6: Maximum permissible concentration (uc/cm3) in water and air of radioactive fallout for seven exposure times (n) at eleven different times after burst to deliver a dose to the critical organ of 15 rems in 90 days (t)*
n Exposure Time after fission
3.5 hr 12 hr 1 day 2 days 4 days 7 days 14 days 28 days 105 days 210 days 365 days
1 Ing.
3.7 x 10^-4
1.2 x 10^-4
6.9 x 10^-5
4.0 x 10^-5
2.4 x 10^-5
1.7 x 10^-5
6.9 x 10^-28.2 x 10^-6 7.1 x 10^-26.9 x 10^-8 0.10
6.4 x 10^-6
6.0 x 10^-6
8.0 x 10^-25.7 x 10^-6
7 Ing.
7.7 x 10^-5 
2.5 x 10^-5 
1.4 x 10^-5 
5.8 x 10^-27.4 x 10^-6  3.6 x 10^-24.5 x 10^-6  2.4 x 10^-22.7 x 10^-6  1.2 x 10^-21.7 x 10^-6  1.5 x 10^-22.0 x 10^-7  1.5 x 10^-27.0 x 10^-7  1.4 x 10^-26.3 x 10^-7  1.3 x 10^-26.7 x 10^-7 
14 Ing.
5.0 x 10^-5 
1.8 x 10^-5 
6.9 x 10^-29.0 x 10^-6  3.9 x 10^-25.0 x 10^-6  2.4 x 10^-23.0 x 10^-6  1.5 x 10^-21.8 x 10^-6  7.6 x 10^-38.1 x 10^-7  7.1 x 10^-36.1 x 10^-7  8.3 x 10^-36.7 x 10^-7  7.7 x 10^-34.3 x 10^-7  6.4 x 10^-34.0 x 10^-7 
21 Ing.
4.4 x 10^-5 
1.4 x 10^-5 
5.9 x 10^-27.7 x 10^-6  3.3 x 10^-24.2 x 10^-6  2.0 x 10^-22.4 x 10^-6  1.3 x 10^-21.5 x 10^-6  5.8 x 10^-36.2 x 10^-7  5.4 x 10^-34.7 x 10^-7  5.7 x 10^-33.4 x 10^-7  5.5 x 10^-33.1 x 10^-7  4.5 x 10^-32.8 x 10^-7 
30 Ing.
3.7 x 10^-5 
9.7 x 10^-21.2 x 10^-5  5.4 x 10^-26.7 x 10^-6  2.6 x 10^-23.2 x 10^-8  1.8 x 10^-22.1 x 10^-6  1.1 x 10^-21.2 x 10^-6  5.3 x 10^-34.9 x 10^-7  4.5 x 10^-33.6 x 10^-7  4.4 x 10^-32.5 x 10^-7  4.1 x 10^-32.3 x 10^-7  3.3 x 10^-32.0 x 10^-7 
60 Ing.
3.2 x 10^-5 
8.3 x 10^-21.0 x 10^-5  4.6 x 10^-25.4 x 10^-6  2.5 x 10^-22.9 x 10^-6  1.5 x 10^-21.5 x 10^-6  9.8 x 10^-31.1 x 10^-6  4.3 x 10^-33.7 x 10^-7  3.3 x 10^-32.6 x 10^-7  2.7 x 10^-31.7 x 10^-7  2.4 x 10^-31.5 x 10^-7  1.8 x 10^-31.4 x 10^-7 
90 Ing.
3.1 x 10^-5 
8.0 x 10^-21.0 x 10^-5  4.4 x 10^-25.4 x 10^-6  2.4 x 10^-22.9 x 10^-6  1.4 x 10^-21.7 x 10^-6  9.2 x 10^-39.7 x 10^-7  3.8 x 10^-33.6 x 10^-7  2.9 x 10^-32.4 x 10^-7  2.1 x 10^-31.5 x 10^-7  1.7 x 10^-31.3 x 10^-7  1.3 x 10^-31.2 x 10^-7 
* Ing. = ingestion; Inh. = inhalation

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