'Surviving A Nuclear Disaster!' YT Interview (12/20/2013) ~ 'Campaign:1950s NUKE SURIVAL SKILLS NEEDED NOW' WND (7/20/2014) |
Surviving Radioactive Fallout & Radiation Contamination from Japan, Iran or North Korea
By Shane Connor
July 23rd, 2014
This guide 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!' deals specifically with radioactive fallout that originated from afar, like a Chernobyl in the past, Fukushima today,
or an Iran or North Korea in the future that's had its nuclear facilities bombed, releasing radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, or a nuclear bomb detonation
anywhere anytime. This guide provides essential panic dispelling knowledge so people downwind can more promptly initiate appropriate protective actions, as required.
This is the third in the series that begins with The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! at www.ki4u.com/goodnews.htm
that debunks the myths of nuclear un-survivability and What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm
that details the practical methods for American families to protect themselves from nuclear explosion(s) and fallout originating here.
America's next nuclear concerns may not have originated here,
but be instead from a nuclear bomb or nuclear release overseas.
A Chernobyl-type event affecting people in other countries downwind
and far away from the actual event itself, as depicted in Map 'A' below.
In a future event, if not huge and/or multiple releases, most people very far downwind will either not experience any radioactive fallout, or not of high enough quantity and intensity, to be of significant concern. However, there can be exceptions, as detailed below. Most watched today, for future radioactive fallout and radiation contamination, is from Japans' Fukushima reactor releasing radioactive contaminants into the air, where some has been drifting downwind towards North America... ![]()
Of course, anything could happen anywhere at anytime, like it had in Fukushima, Japan from a tsunami, and not just from Iran or North Korea in the future.
![]() Other areas of concern, besides Iran or North Korea, are from other countries in the Mid-East, South Korea, Pakistan, India, Russia, Ukraine, China, or even another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island anywhere, like in Japan today, etc. There would be justifiable concern for those immediately downwind and thus protective actions that they will need to promptly undertake to protect themselves from radioactive fallout and radiation contamination. Usually either evacuation or sheltering, along with prophylactic Potassium Iodide (KI) for protection against radioactive iodine. (More on that below.) Much further downwind, like here in USA, the effects will be substantially less pronounced, though some measured protective actions, like Potassium Iodide (KI), may be indicated in some areas. For everyone, though, without the basic knowledge presented here, they risk unnecessary panic that could become even more widespread than the fallout itself! It's hard to say how much fallout will fall here from overseas, like Japan or Iran or North Korea, until it does, but it's extremely unlikely that it would ever be enough to require Americans to utilize fallout shelters to survive it, as they would if a nuke was exploded upwind of them right here in America, as detailed in What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm. The fallout threat here in the USA, from an 'event' originating far overseas, like Iran or North Korea or Japan, will be based upon four factors;
- Resulting plume or mushroom cloud altitude and wind direction and speed. - Distance and time before arriving at your location. - Ultimate isotope type and quantity falling out at your specific location. What is radioactive fallout? Radioactive fallout is the particulate matter (dust) produced by a nuclear explosion and carried high up into the air by the mushroom cloud. It drifts on the wind and most of it settles back to earth downwind of the explosion. The heaviest, most dangerous, and most noticeable fallout, will 'fall out' first closer to ground zero. It may begin arriving minutes after an explosion. The smaller and lighter dust-like particles will drift much farther downwind, often for hundreds of miles. Higher ejected fallout can even travel thousands of miles for weeks. Once it arrives, whether visible or not, most that will fall will have done so usually in under an hour once it begins, coating everything just like dust does on the ground, cars, trees, roofs, etc. Often visible as a fine dark grit on white surfaces, but not always. However, rain can concentrate the fallout into localized 'hot spots' of much more intense radiation with no visible indication, sometimes much farther downwind. For instance, as happened in Troy, NY in April 27, 1953 when a thunderstorm rained down fallout there, from a nuclear test in Nevada two days earlier, that produced readings up to a thousand times higher than normal background radiation, equivalent to readings taken only 200 miles away from the test site in Nevada. More details about this 'rainout' at "Thunderstorm in Troy" at http://www.ki4u.com/secretfallout.pdf#page=13. If not an actual nuke explosion, though, like with nuclear facilities at Japans' Fukushima reactor, the fallout from Japan should not rise as high without the mushroom cloud of a conventionally exploded nuclear bomb, especially one detonated at ground level. Thus, more of the radioactive fallout from Japanese nuclear facilities would not fall as far away, but be concentrated more inside Japan and the neighbors of Japan on the map immediately downwind. The terms "radiation" and "radioactivity" are often confused and need to be clarified here. The proper relationship between the terms is that "radioactive atoms emit radiation." This radioactive fallout 'dust' is dangerous because it is emitting alpha, beta and, most importantly, penetrating gamma radiation (similar to x-ray's). This gamma radiation (not the radioactive fallout dust) can go right through walls, roofs and protective clothing. Even if you manage not to inhale or ingest the dust, and keep it off your skin, hair, and clothes, and even if none gets inside your house, the radiation penetrating your home could still be extremely dangerous, and can injure or kill you inside. BUT, ONLY IF the quantity and intensity of the fallout at your specific location was high. The further downwind, especially from fallout originating far overseas, and baring any rainouts as described above, that sparse fallout and its declining radiation will be very much less dangerous, both from the natural atmospheric dispersion and natural decay over time before it arrives.
A nuclear bomb explosion creates a fallout 'soup' of 200 or so different radioactive isotopes, that become ever more dispersed over distance downwind, weakening with every passing hour, and whatever little still remains far downwind, that we might later inhale or ingest then, is even further dispersed in our bodies. They pose much less of a risk then than if they were to be concentrated into one small specific area of the body, like radioactive iodine (radioiodine) does in our thyroid glands. The most widespread concern we would most likely see here, if anything... ...from well dispersed fallout originating from far overseas, will be from ingesting and/or inhaling radioiodine, mostly Iodine-131 (I-131). Radioiodine could also contaminate pastures, livestock and crops, most especially dairyland pastures and ultimately milk supplies for up to a month. Radioiodine has been long proven to be a major constituent of both nuclear explosions and nuclear power plant mishaps and is especially of concern as it uniquely re-concentrates itself into our tiny thyroid glands giving that gland a much higher dose and the highest risk for cancer later. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_iodide we see reported that:
We also saw this thyroid radioiodine connection with our own Nevada atomic bomb testing program in the 1950s and early 1960s. The National Cancer Institute Study Estimating Thyroid Doses of I-131 Received by Americans From Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests 'worst case' estimate is that fallout from nuclear weapons testing here likely generated from 10,000 to 75,000 cases of thyroid cancer. Each year, more than 12,000 Americans find out they have thyroid cancer, though from various causes. About 1000 here in the U.S. die from it annually.
Health physicist experts agree that the greatest health concerns, affecting the largest number of people far downwind, from a nuclear power plant accident or nuclear bomb explosion(s) anywhere in the world, will likely be from that release of radioiodine that is then carried downwind for hundreds and even thousands of miles. Inhaling radioiodine will be a concern downwind, though radioiodine contaminating the food supply and, in the public's mind making it all suspect, could become the bigger concern. Milk will be atop the list with its short time from pasture to cow to milk on your table. More about radioiodine and very effective, simple and inexpensive protective measures below. Unfortunately, the public is generally not well educated on nuclear threats and fallout, and stirred up by sensationalist media reports of potential food contamination, could unleash a widespread panic run on food stores and other supplies. Understanding that real potential for future panic would make it prudent for families to have calmly stocked up beforehand, as they should for any natural disaster or, failing that, promptly at the very first indication of any developing nuclear emergency while locally available inventories are still plentiful. Fallout coming here from nuke use in Iran, Pakistan, India, Mid-East, Korea, Taiwan, China, Russia, Japan, etc.
The best documented case for concern in the USA of having overseas radioactive fallout raining down on us here, too, via prevailing westerly trade winds, with plenty of thyroid contaminating radioactive iodine, can be found in the Nuclear War Survival Skills book. This Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy, Updated and Expanded 1987 Edition, details the above and shows where a single, and very small, above ground Chinese nuclear test explosion ("a few hundred kilotons") on December 28, 1966 resulted in the fallout cloud covering most of the United States. (See map 'B' above.) Cresson H. Kearny, the author of the NWSS book, also states about this now declassified incident:
"Fallout from the approximately 300 kiloton Chinese test explosion shown in Fig. 1 (Map 'B' above) caused milk from cows that fed on pastures near Oak Ridge, Tennessee and elsewhere to be contaminated with radioiodine, although not with enough to be hazardous to health." "However, this milk contamination (up to 900 picocuries of radioactive iodine per liter) and the measured dose rates from the gamma rays emitted from fallout particles deposited in different parts of the United States indicate that trans-Pacific fallout from even an overseas nuclear war in which "only" two or three hundred megatons would be exploded could result in tens of thousands of unprepared Americans suffering thyroid injury." "Perhaps the first nuclear war casualties in the United States will be caused by fallout from an overseas nuclear war in which our country is not a belligerent. As the number of nations with nuclear weapons increases - especially in the Middle East - this generally unrecognized danger to Americans will worsen." "Trans-Pacific war fallout, carried to an America at peace by the prevailing west-to-east winds that blow around the world, could be several hundred times more dangerous to Americans than fallout from the worst possible overseas nuclear power reactor accident, and many times more dangerous than fallout from a very improbable U.S. nuclear power reactor accident as lethal as the disastrous Chernobyl accident was to Russians." BTW, The maximum measured radioactive contamination of milk in the United States by radioiodine from the Chernobyl disaster (Map 'A' above) was in milk produced by cows grazing on pasture in Washington: 560 picocuries per liter. Customary levels are normally 2-3 picocuries per liter. However, while that contamination was higher than normal, it was still many magnitudes below what would be considered unsafe to consume. Fortunately, there is a cheap and effective preventative method to protect yourself and family from radioactive iodine if/when levels were ever deemed unsafe. Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, taken a half hour or more before exposure, and then for the next 7-10 days, saturates your thyroid gland with safe stable iodine where if you then later inhale or ingest radioactive iodine your body simply eliminates it. It provides nearly 100% protection from radioiodine and resulting thyroid cell damage and abnormalities, such as loss of thyroid function, nodules in the thyroid, or thyroid cancer. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_iodide we see reported about KI use during Chernobyl event that:
But equally important to the question of KI is the fact that radiation releases are not "local" events. Researchers at the World Health Organization accurately located and counted the cancer victims from Chernobyl and were startled to find that "the increase in incidence [of thyroid cancer] has been documented up to 500 km from the accident site...significant doses from radioactive iodine can occur hundreds of kilometers from the site, beyond emergency planning zones." Consequently, far more people than anticipated were affected by the radiation, which caused the United Nations to report in 2002 that "The number of people with thyroid cancer...has exceeded expectations. Over 11,000 cases have already been reported." See the Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ for more details on the health concerns of radioactive iodine, especially to our children, and for sources of thyroid protecting KI tablets, including homemade alternatives if no KI tablets available, and you'll also see why about.com says that FAQ is the...
"In-depth, detailed site totally dedicated to the Potassium Iodide issue. With ever wider public education of nuclear threats and fallout, hopefully, unproductive hysteria can be averted. Without that education, we risk the potential for unbridled panic regarding both public exposure to fallout and contamination of exposed crops, livestock and water. As Cresson Kearny further details in the Nuclear War Survival Skills book:
The current FDA Derived Intervention Levels (DILs) for Iodine-131 in food is 170 Bq/kg., which, for milk, works out to about 4,590 picocuries or more per liter. This is the level at which the FDA may begin to warn the public not to use milk and/or issue an order to seize or detain milk products. Regarding fallout contamination, any food or water stored in sealed containers before the fallout arrived, will always be safe to use. If any containers later had fallout dust on them they can simply be brushed or rinsed off the outside of the container and then the contents will be safe to use. As long as the fallout dust does not get inside the container, then whatever radiation penetrated the food/water container from the outside does not harm the contents. Having acquired sufficient stocks of food and water for your family beforehand will be required if your area is affected and/or if public begins panic buying resulting in shortages. In the extremely unlikely case that heavy fallout was anticipated here from an overseas 'event', brief sheltering might be required as detailed in What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm. There you would also learn more about safe food and water storage and using common inexpensive N95 particulate respirator masks and cheap hooded rain ponchos if getting to proper sheltering was delayed. Also, it details simple decontamination if you suspect that your clothes, skin and hair have fallout on them. Exposure to fallout radiation does not make you radioactive, but you need to always minimize inhaling it, and maximize promptly getting out of it while properly decontaminating to assure that you don't bring any inside. Before fallout arrives, you might also try to cover up items you want to protect outside for easier rinsing off of the fallout dust later when it's safe to come out and do so. For instance, if you have a vegetable gardening spot, or cordwood stored outside for heating, you might try covering some of it with plastic or tarp and weighting them down. The more likely scenario here, from fallout originating from far overseas, would at the most only require 7-10 days protection from radioiodine by taking Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets and having pre-stocked safe food and water in case people panic and stampede food stores. In an emergency, if no more KI tablets available here, you can topically (on the skin) apply an iodine solution, like tincture of iodine or Betadine, for a similar protective effect. (WARNING: Iodine is NEVER to be ingested or swallowed, it is poison to drink.) For adults, paint 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of Iodine on the abdomen or forearm each day, ideally at least 2 hours prior to initial exposure. For children 3 to 18, but under 150 pounds, only half that amount painted on daily, or 4 ml. For children under 3 but older than a month, half again, or 2 ml. For newborns to 1 month old, half it again, or just 1 ml. (One measuring teaspoon is about 5 ml, if you don't have a medicine dropper graduated in ml.) If your iodine solution is stronger than 2%, reduce the dosage accordingly. Absorption through the skin is not as exact a dosing method as using the tablets, but tests show that it will still be very effective for most. More about the above at Plan B, along with formulas there for mixing up potassium iodide (KI) solutions if you acquire KI powder or crystals. Do not use if allergic to iodine. There are also a few other medical conditions and medications, discussed there, that are contraindicated that your physician can best advise you about. Inquire of your doctor NOW if there is any reason why anybody in your household should not use KI, or iodine solutions topically applied on their skin, in a future nuclear emergency, just to be sure. How radioactive fallout affects different food sources... The following for farmers and ranchers, from the old USDA county defense boards, should help dispel some of the potential panic. Old fashioned from the early 1960's, but physics and tactics of radiation and fallout protection are timeless. This guidance assumed nuclear explosion(s) and heavy fallout originating right here in the USA. Fallout originating from far overseas would be many magnitudes less dangerous, but the following is still very informative regarding the threat to, and vulnerability of, different livestock & crops that we all rely upon in the food chain. References to radioiodine below have been highlighted in blue.
Bottom Line: Unfortunately, the federal government does not have large stocks of emergency KI tablets, nor can we be assured what they do have can be gotten to where it's needed and then individually dispensed to those who need it... in-time. Also, they no longer support nuclear Civil Defense training of the public, the USDA county defense boards, or county level radiation monitoring networks and fallout shelters*, as they once did during the heights of the Cold War, and thus American families are largely on their own today to find this important guidance and make their own preparations. For this reason, we've produced both our myth-busting expose... The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! at http://www.ki4u.com/goodnews.htm ...and our popular & essential family guide for... What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at http://www.ki4u.com/guide.htm Pass copies of them, along with this 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!' guide to friends, neighbors, relatives, fellow workers, churches and community organizations with a brief note attached saying simply: "We hope/pray we never need this, but just-in-case, keep it handy!" Few nowadays will find that approach alarmist and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many are truly grateful. Everyone should also forward copies of them to their local, state and federal elected representatives, as well as your own communities first-responders and local media, all to help spread this good news that's liberating fellow American families from their paralyzing and potentially fatal myths of nuclear un-survivability! * There is one county in America that has, on their own, re-instituted their public fallout shelters and local radiation monitoring network. Madison County - Huntsville, Alabama, home of our nations rocket scientists at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. See more about their efforts here.
I've highlighted some of this below. - Shane Connor RADIATION RISKS TO HEALTH: A Joint Statement from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American Thyroid Association, The Endocrine Society and the Society of Nuclear Medicine March 18, 2011 The recent nuclear reactor accident in Japan due to the earthquake and tsunami has raised fears of radiation exposure to populations in North America from the potential plume of radioactivity crossing the Pacific Ocean. The principal radiation source of concern is radioactive iodine including iodine-131, a radioactive isotope that presents a special risk to health because iodine is concentrated in the thyroid gland and exposure of the thyroid to high levels of radioactive iodine may lead to development of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer years later. During the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident in 1986, people in the surrounding region were exposed to radioactive iodine principally from intake of food and milk from contaminated farmlands. As demonstrated by the Chernobyl experience, pregnant women, fetuses, infants and children are at the highest risk for developing thyroid cancer whereas adults over age 20 are at negligible risk. Radioiodine uptake by the thyroid can be blocked by taking potassium iodide (KI) pills or solution, most importantly in these sensitive populations. However, KI should not be taken in the absence of a clear risk of exposure to a potentially dangerous level of radioactive iodine because potassium iodide can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes, salivary gland inflammation, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism in a small percentage of people. Since radioactive iodine decays rapidly, current estimates indicate there will not be a hazardous level of radiation reaching the United States from this accident. When an exposure does warrant KI to be taken, it should be taken as directed by physicians or public health authorities until the risk for significant exposure to radioactive iodine dissipates, but probably for no more than 1-2 weeks. With radiation accidents, the greatest risk is to populations close to the radiation source. While some radiation may be detected in the United States and its territories in the Pacific as a result of this accident, current estimates indicate that radiation amounts will be little above baseline atmospheric levels and will not be harmful to the thyroid gland or general health. We discourage individuals needlessly purchasing or hoarding of KI in the United States. Moreover, since there is not a radiation emergency in the United States or its territories, we do not support the ingestion of KI prophylaxis at this time. Our professional societies will continue to monitor potential risks to health from this accident and will issue amended advisories as warranted. I'd only add, that for any that acquired KI, they should also contact their doctor now, too, before any emergency requires use of it, while easy to do so, to assure that there is no reason why they, or any in their care, could not use it when there is an emergency where the authorities then direct them to. Your personal physician knows best your medical history, conditions, and medications to assure you that KI would be safe for you to use, or not, in a future emergency. - Shane Connor
Shane Connor is the CEO of www.ki4u.com
We've been promoting Nuclear Civil Defense Training of the public for well over a decade! For over a dozen years they've been the model of what I'd of liked to of seen DHS and FEMA doing all along in a very big way nationwide."
Everyone is invited to copy, post, print, and distribute 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!' article anywhere, as long as they do so without charging anything for it. It must be reproduced in entirety, including this notice, and not be altered or edited. To contact the author with comments, e-mail: |
By Shane Connor
March 12th, 2011
This guide 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar! (Like from Japan Fukushima reactor)' deals specifically with radioactive fallout that originated from afar, like a Chernobyl in the past,
or Iran in the future that's had its nuclear facilities bombed, releasing radioactive contamination into the atmosphere, or a North Korea gone mad, etc.
This guide provides panic dispelling knowledge so people downwind can more promptly initiate appropriate protective actions, as required.
This is the third in the series that begins with The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! at www.ki4u.com/goodnews.htm
that debunks the myths of nuclear un-survivability and What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm
that details the practical methods for American families to protect themselves from nuclear explosion(s) and fallout originating here.
America's next nuclear concerns may not have originated here,
but be instead from a nuclear bomb or nuclear release overseas.
A Chernobyl-type event affecting people in other countries downwind
and far away from the actual event itself, as depicted in Map 'A' below.
The important thing to recognize in the charts above is that here in the Northern Hemisphere, via upper wind Prevailing Westerlies, anything unleashed to the west of the USA could be coming here next.
![]() Most watched today, for future radioactive fallout and radiation contamination, is from Japans' Fukushima reactor releasing radioactive contaminants into the air, that could next be drifting downwind towards North America... ![]()
Of course, anything could happen anywhere anytime, like it has now in Japan, not just from Iran or North Korea in the future.
![]() Other areas of concern, besides Iran or North Korea, are from other countries in the Mid-East, South Korea, Pakistan, India, Russia, China, or even another Chernobyl or Three Mile Island anywhere, like in Japan today, etc. There would be justifiable concern for those immediately downwind and thus protective actions that they will need to promptly undertake to protect themselves from radioactive fallout and radiation contamination. Usually either evacuation or sheltering, along with prophylactic Potassium Iodide (KI) for protection against radioactive iodine. (More on that below.) Much further downwind, like here in USA, the effects will be substantially less pronounced, though some measured protective actions, like Potassium Iodide (KI), may be indicated in some areas. For everyone, though, without the basic knowledge presented here, they risk unnecessary panic that could become even more widespread than the fallout itself. It's hard to say how much fallout will fall here from overseas, like Japan or Iran or North Korea, until it does, but it's very unlikely that it would ever be enough to require Americans to utilize fallout shelters to survive it, as they would if a nuke was exploded upwind of them right here in America, as detailed in What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm. The fallout threat here in the USA, from an 'event' originating far overseas, like Iran or North Korea or Japan, will be based upon four factors;
- Resulting plume or mushroom cloud altitude and wind direction and speed. - Distance and time before arriving at your location. - Ultimate isotope type and quantity falling out at your specific location. What is radioactive fallout? Radioactive fallout is the particulate matter (dust) produced by a nuclear explosion and carried high up into the air by the mushroom cloud. It drifts on the wind and most of it settles back to earth downwind of the explosion. The heaviest, most dangerous, and most noticeable fallout, will 'fall out' first closer to ground zero. It may begin arriving minutes after an explosion. The smaller and lighter dust-like particles will drift much farther downwind, often for hundreds of miles. Higher ejected fallout can even travel thousands of miles for weeks. Once it arrives, whether visible or not, most that will fall will have done so usually in under an hour once it begins, coating everything just like dust does on the ground, cars, trees, roofs, etc. Often visible as a fine dark grit on white surfaces, but not always. However, rain can concentrate the fallout into localized 'hot spots' of much more intense radiation with no visible indication. For instance, as happened in Troy, NY in April 27, 1953 when a thunderstorm rained down fallout there, from a nuclear test in Nevada two days earlier, that produced readings up to a thousand times higher than normal background radiation, equivalent to readings taken only 200 miles away from the test site in Nevada. More details about this 'rainout' at "Thunderstorm in Troy" at http://www.ki4u.com/secretfallout.pdf#page=13. If not an actual nuke explosion, though, like with nuclear facilities at Japans' Fukushima reactor, the fallout from Japan should not rise as high without the mushroom cloud of a conventionally exploded nuclear bomb. Thus, more of the radioactive fallout from Japanese nuclear facilities would not fall as far away, but be concentrated more inside Japan and the neighbors of Japan on the map immediately downwind. The terms "radiation" and "radioactivity" are often confused. The proper relationship between the terms is that "radioactive atoms emit radiation." This radioactive fallout 'dust' is dangerous because it is emitting alpha, beta and, most importantly, penetrating gamma radiation (similar to x-ray's). This gamma radiation (not the radioactive fallout dust) can go right through walls, roofs and protective clothing. Even if you manage not to inhale or ingest the dust, and keep it off your skin, hair, and clothes, and even if none gets inside your house, the radiation penetrating your home could still be extremely dangerous, and can injure or kill you inside. BUT, ONLY IF the quantity and intensity of the fallout at your specific location was high. The further downwind, especially from fallout originating far overseas, and baring any rainouts as described above, that sparse fallout and its declining radiation will be very much less dangerous, both from the natural atmospheric dispersion and natural decay over time before it arrives.
A nuclear explosion creates a fallout 'soup' of 200 or so different radioactive isotopes, that become ever more dispersed over distance downwind, weakening with every passing hour, and whatever little still remains far downwind, that we might later inhale or ingest then, is even further dispersed in our bodies. They pose much less of a risk then than if they were to be concentrated into one small specific area of the body, like radioactive iodine (radioiodine) does in our thyroid glands. The most widespread concern we would most likely see here... ...from well dispersed fallout originating from far overseas, will be from ingesting and/or inhaling radioiodine, mostly Iodine-131 (I-131). Radioiodine could also contaminate pastures, livestock and crops, most especially dairyland pastures and ultimately milk supplies for up to a month. Radioiodine has been long proven to be a major constituent of both nuclear explosions and nuclear power plant mishaps and is especially of concern as it uniquely re-concentrates itself into our tiny thyroid glands giving that gland a much higher dose and the highest risk for cancer later. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_iodide we see reported that:
We also saw this thyroid radioiodine connection with our own Nevada atomic bomb testing program in the 1950s and early 1960s. The National Cancer Institute Study Estimating Thyroid Doses of I-131 Received by Americans From Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests 'worst case' estimate is that fallout from nuclear weapons testing here likely generated from 10,000 to 75,000 cases of thyroid cancer. Each year, more than 12,000 Americans find out they have thyroid cancer, though from various causes. About 1000 here in the U.S. die from it annually.
Health physicist experts agree that the greatest health concerns, affecting the largest number of people far downwind, from a nuclear power plant accident or nuclear bomb explosion(s) anywhere in the world, will likely be from that release of radioiodine that is then carried downwind for hundreds and even thousands of miles. Inhaling radioiodine will be a concern downwind, though radioiodine contaminating the food supply and, in the public's mind making it all suspect, could become the bigger concern. Milk will be atop the list with its short time from pasture to cow to milk on your table. More about radioiodine and very effective, simple and inexpensive protective measures below. Unfortunately, the public is generally not well educated on nuclear threats and fallout, and stirred up by sensationalist media reports of potential food contamination, could unleash a widespread panic run on food stores and other supplies. Understanding that real potential for future panic would make it prudent for families to have calmly stocked up beforehand, as they should for any natural disaster or, failing that, promptly at the very first indication of any developing nuclear emergency while locally available inventories are still plentiful. Fallout coming here from nuke use in Iran, Pakistan, India, Mid-East, Korea, Taiwan, China, Russia, Japan, etc.
The best documented case for concern in the USA of having overseas radioactive fallout raining down on us here, too, via prevailing westerly trade winds, with plenty of thyroid contaminating radioactive iodine, can be found in the Nuclear War Survival Skills book. This Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Facility of the U.S. Department of Energy, Updated and Expanded 1987 Edition, details the above and shows where a single, and very small, above ground Chinese nuclear test explosion ("a few hundred kilotons") on December 28, 1966 resulted in the fallout cloud covering most of the United States. (See map 'B' above.) Cresson H. Kearny, the author of the NWSS book, also states about this now declassified incident:
"Fallout from the approximately 300 kiloton Chinese test explosion shown in Fig. 1 (Map 'B' above) caused milk from cows that fed on pastures near Oak Ridge, Tennessee and elsewhere to be contaminated with radioiodine, although not with enough to be hazardous to health." "However, this milk contamination (up to 900 picocuries of radioactive iodine per liter) and the measured dose rates from the gamma rays emitted from fallout particles deposited in different parts of the United States indicate that trans-Pacific fallout from even an overseas nuclear war in which "only" two or three hundred megatons would be exploded could result in tens of thousands of unprepared Americans suffering thyroid injury." "Perhaps the first nuclear war casualties in the United States will be caused by fallout from an overseas nuclear war in which our country is not a belligerent. As the number of nations with nuclear weapons increases - especially in the Middle East - this generally unrecognized danger to Americans will worsen." "Trans-Pacific war fallout, carried to an America at peace by the prevailing west-to-east winds that blow around the world, could be several hundred times more dangerous to Americans than fallout from the worst possible overseas nuclear power reactor accident, and many times more dangerous than fallout from a very improbable U.S. nuclear power reactor accident as lethal as the disastrous Chernobyl accident was to Russians." BTW, The maximum measured radioactive contamination of milk in the United States by radioiodine from the Chernobyl disaster (Map 'A' above) was in milk produced by cows grazing on pasture in Washington: 560 picocuries per liter. Customary levels are normally 2-3 picocuries per liter. Fortunately, there is a cheap and effective preventative method to protect yourself and family from radioactive iodine. Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, taken a half hour or more before exposure, and then for the next 7-10 days, saturates your thyroid gland with safe stable iodine where if you then later inhale or ingest radioactive iodine your body simply eliminates it. It provides nearly 100% protection from radioiodine and resulting thyroid cell damage and abnormalities, such as loss of thyroid function, nodules in the thyroid, or thyroid cancer. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_iodide we see reported about KI use during Chernobyl event that:
But equally important to the question of KI is the fact that radiation releases are not "local" events. Researchers at the World Health Organization accurately located and counted the cancer victims from Chernobyl and were startled to find that "the increase in incidence [of thyroid cancer] has been documented up to 500 km from the accident site...significant doses from radioactive iodine can occur hundreds of kilometers from the site, beyond emergency planning zones." Consequently, far more people than anticipated were affected by the radiation, which caused the United Nations to report in 2002 that "The number of people with thyroid cancer...has exceeded expectations. Over 11,000 cases have already been reported." See the Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ for more details on the health concerns of radioactive iodine, especially to our children, and for sources of thyroid protecting KI tablets, including homemade alternatives if no KI tablets available, and you'll also see why about.com says that FAQ is the...
"In-depth, detailed site totally dedicated to the Potassium Iodide issue. With ever wider public education of nuclear threats and fallout, hopefully, unproductive hysteria can be averted. Without that education, we risk the potential for unbridled panic regarding both public exposure to fallout and contamination of exposed crops, livestock and water. As Cresson Kearny further details in the Nuclear War Survival Skills book:
The current FDA Derived Intervention Levels (DILs) for Iodine-131 in food is 170 Bq/kg., which, for milk, works out to about 4,590 picocuries or more per liter. This is the level at which the FDA may begin to warn the public not to use milk and/or issue an order to seize or detain milk products. Regarding fallout contamination, any food or water stored in sealed containers before the fallout arrived, will always be safe to use. If any containers later had fallout dust on them they can simply be brushed or rinsed off the outside of the container and then the contents will be safe to use. As long as the fallout dust does not get inside the container, then whatever radiation penetrated the food/water container from the outside does not harm the contents. Having acquired sufficient stocks of food and water for your family beforehand will be required if your area is affected and/or if public begins panic buying resulting in shortages. In the extremely unlikely case that heavy fallout was anticipated here from an overseas 'event', brief sheltering might be required as detailed in What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at www.ki4u.com/guide.htm. There you would also learn more about safe food and water storage and using common inexpensive N95 particulate respirator masks and cheap hooded rain ponchos if getting to proper sheltering was delayed. Also, it details simple decontamination if you suspect that your clothes, skin and hair have fallout on them. Exposure to fallout radiation does not make you radioactive, but you need to always minimize inhaling it, and maximize promptly getting out of it while properly decontaminating to assure that you don't bring any inside. Before fallout arrives, you might also try to cover up items you want to protect outside for easier rinsing off of the fallout dust later when it's safe to come out and do so. For instance, if you have a vegetable gardening spot, or cordwood stored outside for heating, you might try covering some of it with plastic or tarp and weighting them down. The more likely scenario here, from fallout originating from far overseas, would at the most only require 7-10 days protection from radioiodine by taking Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets and having pre-stocked safe food and water in case people panic and stampede food stores. In an emergency, if no more KI tablets available here, you can topically (on the skin) apply an iodine solution, like tincture of iodine or Betadine, for a similar protective effect. (WARNING: Iodine is NEVER to be ingested or swallowed, it is poison to drink.) For adults, paint 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of Iodine on the abdomen or forearm each day, ideally at least 2 hours prior to initial exposure. For children 3 to 18, but under 150 pounds, only half that amount painted on daily, or 4 ml. For children under 3 but older than a month, half again, or 2 ml. For newborns to 1 month old, half it again, or just 1 ml. (One measuring teaspoon is about 5 ml, if you don't have a medicine dropper graduated in ml.) If your iodine solution is stronger than 2%, reduce the dosage accordingly. Absorption through the skin is not as exact a dosing method as using the tablets, but tests show that it will still be very effective for most. More about the above at Plan B, along with formulas there for mixing up potassium iodide (KI) solutions if you acquire KI powder or crystals. Do not use if allergic to iodine. There are also a few other medical conditions and medications, discussed there, that are contraindicated that your physician can best advise you about. Inquire of your doctor NOW if there is any reason why anybody in your household should not use KI, or iodine solutions topically on their skin, in a future nuclear emergency, just to be sure. How radioactive fallout affects different food sources... The following for farmers and ranchers, from the old USDA county defense boards, should help dispel some of the potential panic. Old fashioned from the early 1960's, but physics and tactics of radiation and fallout protection are timeless. This guidance assumed nuclear explosion(s) and heavy fallout originating right here in the USA. Fallout originating from far overseas would be many magnitudes less dangerous, but the following is still very informative regarding the threat to, and vulnerability of, different livestock & crops that we all rely upon in the food chain. References to radioiodine below have been highlighted in blue.
Bottom Line: Unfortunately, the federal government does not have large stocks of emergency KI tablets, nor is it likely what they do have can be gotten where it's needed and then to those who need it... in-time. Also, they no longer support nuclear Civil Defense training of the public, the USDA county defense boards, or county level radiation monitoring networks and fallout shelters*, as they once did during the heights of the Cold War, and thus American families are largely on their own today to find this important guidance and make their own preparations. For this reason, we've produced both our myth-busting expose... The Good News About Nuclear Destruction! at http://www.ki4u.com/goodnews.htm ...and our popular & essential family guide for... What To Do If A Nuclear Disaster Is Imminent! at http://www.ki4u.com/guide.htm Pass copies of them, along with this 'When An ill Wind Blows From Afar!' guide to friends, neighbors, relatives, fellow workers, churches and community organizations with a brief note attached saying simply: "We hope/pray we never need this, but just-in-case, keep it handy!" Few nowadays will find that approach alarmist and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many are truly grateful. Everyone should also forward copies of them to their local, state and federal elected representatives, as well as your own communities first-responders and local media, all to help spread this good news that's liberating fellow American families from their paralyzing and potentially fatal myths of nuclear un-survivability! * There is one county in America that has, on their own, re-instituted their public fallout shelters and local radiation monitoring network. Madison County - Huntsville, Alabama, home of our nations rocket scientists at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. See more about their efforts here.
Shane Connor is the CEO of www.ki4u.com
We've been promoting Nuclear Civil Defense Training of the public for well over a decade!
For over a dozen years they've been the model of what I'd of liked to of seen DHS and FEMA doing all along in a very big way nationwide."
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