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Straight FAQ's on FEMA Surplus Civil Defense Meters with Retail and Wholesale Sources Listed! |
for Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, and DIY iodine solutions if not enough KI tablets! |
---> All Above Resources Recently Updated August 2010 <---
The following is courtesy of the United States Disaster Preparedness Institute.
3 March 2001, V3 by Kevin
Briggs, Director, USDPI Did you know that during the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power
plant emergency of Wednesday, 28 March through early April of 1979, government
and TMI officials did not know for days the full extent of the risks to
the public and that the government went into emergency production of
Potassium Iodide (abbreviated "KI") solution to help protect the
public? The following quote from the book "Nuclear
War Survival Skills", states: "When the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident was worsening
and it appeared that the reactor's containment structure might rupture and
release dangerous amounts of radioactive iodines and other radioactive
material into the atmosphere, the Government rushed preparation of
small bottles of a saturated solution of potassium iodide. The
reactor's containment structure did not rupture. The 237,013 bottles of
saturated KI solution that were delivered to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania --
mostly too late to have been effective if the Three Mile Island accident
had become an uncontained meltdown -- were stored in secret in a
warehouse, and were never used." In the official "Report of the President's Commission on The
Accident at Three Mile Island" the following was said about the lack
of Potassium Iodide (KI) needed to protect the public: "Officials of the U.S. Department of Health, Education Welfare
(HEW) had become concerned about the possible release of radioactive
iodine at Three Mile Island and began Friday to search for potassium
iodide -- a drug capable of preventing radioactive iodine from lodging in
the thyroid. The thyroid absorbs potassium iodide to a level where the
gland can hold no more. Thus, if a person is exposed to radioactive iodine
after receiving a sufficient quantity of potassium iodide, the thyroid is
saturated and cannot absorb the additional iodine with its potentially
damaging radiation. At the time of the TMI-2 accident, however, no
pharmaceutical or chemical company was marketing medical-grade potassium
iodide in the quantities needed. It was not until the third day of the TMI disaster that
Pennsylvania's Governor Thornburgh decided to recommend that pregnant
women and preschool children leave the region within a 5-mile radius of
Three Mile Island and to close all schools within that area. The official "Report of the President's Commission on The Accident
at Three Mile Island" also reported the following about the hazardous
evacuation zone planning during this disaster: "Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were hectic days in the emergency
preparedness offices of the counties close to Three Mile Island. Officials
labored first to prepare 10-mile evacuation plans and then ones covering
areas out to 20 miles from the plant. {USDPI
comment: State and local governments, with support from the Federal
government and utilities, currently develop plans that include a "plume
emergency planning zone" with a radius of only 10 miles from each
nuclear power plant. However, government officials recognize that in a
catastrophic incident, a 20 mile evacuation radius akin to what was needed with the
Chernobyl disaster may be more appropriate.} The Pennsylvania Emergency
Management Agency recommended Friday morning that 10-mile plans be
readied. The three counties closest to the nuclear plant already had plans
to evacuate their residents -- a total of about 25,000 living within 5
miles of the Island. A 10-mile evacuation had never been contemplated. For
Kevin Molloy in Dauphin County, extending the evacuation zone meant the
involvement of several hospitals -- something he had not confronted
earlier. There were no hospitals within 5 miles. Late Friday night,
PEMA told county officials to develop 20-mile plans. Suddenly, six
counties were involved in planning for the evacuation of 650,000 people,
13 hospitals, and a prison." If the TMI containment vessel had
ruptured, as it could have done if corrective actions had been slower, hundreds of thousands to millions of people could have been exposed to dangerous
levels of radioactive iodine within the first week
or two. If the Three Mile Island plant (or other nuclear plant) today experienced a
catastrophic meltdown and containment vessel rupture, people who live within
about a 20 mile region of the plant (who are exposed to the
radioactive plume) may be subject to the dangers of acute radiation poisoning
(with symptoms appearing relatively rapidly) as well as long-term health effects
like thyroid cancer. If people are not adequately sheltered or evacuated in a timely fashion from this
region and are exposed to high levels of radiation, they could experience severe sickness and possible
death within a few days to months. Those within the 20 mile region who are
exposed to radiation and do not have the protection afforded by Potassium Iodide
or Potassium Iodate (especially children) would likely begin to have long-term thyroid problems and
possible cancer starting typically around 5 to 15 years after their
exposure (as occurred with the Chernobyl disaster -- see below -- and with the
Marshall Islanders from the aftermath of the Bikini atomic test). A range of
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) scenarios show that at 20 miles from a
moderate to major U.S. nuclear power plant emergency, the
population could be exposed to levels of radioactive iodine from 3 to 1,000+ rems
mean thyroid dose (which is
roughly 3 to 1,000+ times beyond the level of radiation where Potassium Iodide intervention is
recommended by the World Health
Organization (WHO) for children and for
those pregnant). Depending
on the severity of the accident, people in this region may need to be sheltered
or evacuated
and if these people did not take Potassium Iodide pills before ingesting any radioactive iodide,
they could face serious and life threatening long-term health
problems (like thyroid cancer). Also people in the less radiated portions of
this region may be able to stay at home rather than evacuate if they have
Potassium Iodide pills to minimize their risk of long-term health problems.
Hence, for these people, KI pills could greatly reduce the logistical problems
associated with evacuating. People who are outside of what is typically
called the 10-mile "Inhalation Emergency Planning Zone" (EPZ) may still face
very dangerous levels of radiation. The government typically calls the regions
beyond the 10-mile EPZ the "Ingestion" EPZ because radioactive
materials can also be ingested through eating contaminated food. But in a major
disaster, inhalation of very dangerous nuclear materials can also continue to
occur out to over 300 miles (reference the NRC's NUREG/CR 1433 and the meeting minutes from the "Public
Meeting to Substantially Revise NUREG-1633,
NUREG/CR 1433 shows that for children, the following dangers may occur from the
inhalation of nuclear materials after a massive core-melt atmospheric accident
(like Chernobyl): Approximate Dangers of a Core-Melt Atmospheric Accident for
Children Mean Thyroid Dose Probability of Thyroid Damage to Exposed Children
Located Outdoors if not Protected by Stable Iodine (like KI) * Note: The World Health Organization recommends stable iodine
administration to children and pregnant women at the level of 1 rem accumulated
thyroid dose and the FDA has published some revised draft guidelines (Dec. 2000)
that recommends giving Potassium Iodide pills to these groups at levels of
greater than or equal to 5 cGy (or 5 rem). Some typical ways that ingestion of dangerous nuclear materials can
occur is (1) from eating food (like garden vegetables or fruit) or water, etc.,
that contains nuclear fallout and (2) by drinking milk from cows or goats -- or
for nursing infants, from moms -- who have ingested radioactive materials from
their food or water which then passes into the milk they produce. People living in this zone can minimize their risk of
dangerous radiation exposure by avoiding milk, vegetables, fruit, etc., that may be
carrying radioactive materials and by taking Potassium Iodide pills (if living
in an area exposed to dangerous radiation). Unfortunately, adequately tracking where and how
radioactive materials have been deposited in near-real-time throughout large
regions of the country and within the food supply system may be quite difficult,
if not impossible. The trained people, computer models of the weather and food
systems, sensors, etc. required to accurately assess the millions of radiation
path vectors in a near-real-time fashion do not currently exist (although
limited macro-scale predictions can be made, but may prove to fall far short of
the needs of thousands to millions of people who are exposed to radiation
risks). Hence, relying solely on
limiting questionable food or drink intake in areas predicted to be radioactive may be dangerous
for both those living in the affected areas and those outside of these areas who
unknowingly receive food or drink poisoned by fallout. Unfortunately, much of the current U.S. policy, as opposed to other countries in Europe (like
Poland), assumes that the national, state, and local health officials will
adequately warn U.S. citizens of any radiation danger and shipments of any
necessary non-radioactive food will be accomplished in a timely and effective
manner into contaminated areas. This assumption of adequate warning and
alternative food distribution is used to explain the current U.S. policy of not
having a stockpile of Potassium Iodide sufficient to administer to people who
live in dangerously radiated regions within a 320 mile zone from a nuclear power
plant (this does not mean that everyone within the zone needs stable KI -- just
those who are downwind of the accident). What this
policy does not explain is how the government plans to handle the major problem of
inhalation of radioactive iodine within these areas (see Table above). Some have said that for the extended inhalation hazard zone (which can
go up to roughly 320 miles), we would be able to track/predict the radioactive cloud flows
and evacuate as necessary. As mentioned above for the food
contamination predictions, predicting where radioactive iodine gas is on a
near-real-time basis is extremely difficult, if not impossible, with the
precision necessary to protect all of the exposed public. And
while numerous other countries see the benefit of stockpiling stable iodine
to protect people up to hundreds of miles from a major accident, it is not felt
to be cost-effective by many U.S. policy-makers who have read or heard
generalized studies (with very questionable assumptions and little public
mention of the risks) that do not factor in the cost of things like: (1) human
suffering associated with sickness (like cancer and hypothyroidism) and deaths
caused by preventable thyroid irradiation, (2) lawsuits against the utilities
and the government should thousands to millions of people have their health
needlessly damaged, especially after studies have shown that KI could greatly
diminish people's risks and have recommended KI's stockpiling/distribution, and
(3) having to evacuate much larger portions of the U.S. population around a
nuclear power plant than would have been needed if KI pills were available to
make in-place sheltering a more viable option in large outlying areas. If TMI's containment vessel had burst
and an immediate mass evacuation had been required during the first few days of
the disaster, tens to hundreds of thousands of people would have had to do so without
the protection afforded by Potassium Iodide pills. This is still the case today.
If a moderate to major nuclear power
plant disaster occurred today at Three Mile Island (or another U.S. nuclear
power plant), officials would have to weigh the risks of ordering an immediate
evacuation without KI tablet protection where evacuees may face greater risks in
their cars of dangerous radiation exposure -- especially with traffic jams --
(as well as the dangers associated with panicked people) than if people stayed
in their homes with the windows and doors shut and with their ventilation system
turned off . People who stay inside in a closed environment will receive roughly
one-half the inhalation radiation dose of those who venture outside of the home
(see NUREG/CR-1433). (Note: In very high levels of radiation, people must heed
the recommendation of public health officials to immediately evacuate and not
rely on just indoor sheltering and KI tablets -- unless you have a well-built
fallout or blast shelter with air-protection system as is common in regions of
many other countries, like Switzerland). One can only imagine the
difficulty of rapidly evacuating 10s to 100s of thousands of people -- and
possibly millions of people -- within a few
hours in a 10 to
20 mile radius, especially if there is little prior warning and if the incident
occurs at night or during extreme weather conditions. The map below shows the 5, 10, and 20 mile evacuation zones around the Three
Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant. During
the Three Mile Island nuclear materials release, pre-school and pregnant or
nursing moms were evacuated within 5 miles of the plant and people were
cautioned to stay indoors within a 10 mile radius. During the major
Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster, people were evacuated (many permanently) from
a zone of roughly 20 miles. 20
miles is the expected maximum evacuation zone in a radiation emergency if the
public has Potassium Iodide (KI) or KIO3 pills. Map: Copyright © 2000 United States Disaster
Preparedness Institute (USDPI) The map below shows
the maximum expected radioactive iodine hazard regions around the Three Mile Island
Nuclear Power Plant, if TMI's containment vessel were ever to catastrophically
rupture. 320
miles (the outer ring) is the expected maximum zone of where a high cancer risk
could occur in a radiation emergency and where Potassium Iodide (KI) pills may be needed downwind of the plant to reduce this risk. The government
generally uses an "ingestion emergency planning zone" with a radius of 50 miles
around each nuclear plant, although as with the inhalation EPZs,
government officials acknowledge that the "ingestion EPZ"
may actually extend to hundreds of miles as happened with Chernobyl (note: the
NRC also states that the inhalation hazard zone can also extend out this
far). It is
likely that people within regions of the 320 mile zone will be required to
carefully watch their food intake and eliminate certain food from their diet for
up to weeks. People living in regions of known fallout deposition will likely be
requested to stay indoors and keep their windows and doors shut as much as
possible as well as to shut down their homes' ventilation systems and to take Potassium Iodide pills if available. Evacuations in the portions of the
"ingestion" zone with the greatest radioactive fallout (mainly for people under 40 – especially children
and infants – and for pregnant and
nursing moms) may be recommended if there are no Potassium Iodide pills available for the
public and food supplies are disrupted. During the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster, millions of
people received KI pills in this zone and a major cancer hazard zone extended out to about
320 miles (note: only limited regions within this zone actually received
dangerous levels of radiation based on wind and weather effects on the fallout
cloud, such as rain induced fallout deposition).
For example, over
two thousand children have developed an aggressive form of thyroid cancer associated with
the Chernobyl radiation exposure (see www.thyroid.org/annonc/nuclear.htm
for some of the details on this). While this cancer is treatable if detected
early enough (only a few have died from this cancer), the treatments
involve prolonged, invasive, and expensive procedures and dramatically impact
the lives of all those involved. Thankfully, millions of doses of Potassium
Iodide (KI) pills (that successfully block the uptake of radioactive iodine)
were administered to many of the children and adults in dangerously radiated
regions that extended up to over 300 miles from the Chernobyl site. This
extensive administration of KI tablets to children and adults is likely to have
prevented hundreds, if not thousands, from contracting thyroid cancer.
Unfortunately, numerous children and adults did not receive a timely dosing with
KI pills, and have subsequently developed thyroid cancer. The following
quote from "Guidelines
for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents -- 1999 update" by
the World Health Organization (WHO) explains both the extent of the hazard zones
surrounding the Chernobyl plant and the levels a radiation that caused
significant problems in children. "Following the Chernobyl accident there were several thousands of
children who accumulated a dose to the thyroid of several Gy. {USDPI
comment: 1 Rad = .01 Gray (Gy) or 1 cGy, so these children received over
100 Rads or 100 cGy}
Nevertheless, most of the children that have developed thyroid cancer
were exposed to an estimated dose to the thyroid of less than 300 mGy. There
has been an excess thyroid cancer incidence even in areas where the mean dose
to the thyroid in children was estimated at 50 – 100 mGy {USDPI
comment: 50 - 100 mGy = 5 - 10 Rads or cGy}. The increase in
incidence has been documented up to 500 km from the accident site. This is
understandable in terms of the wide area affected by radioiodine and therefore
the large number of children exposed.
The Chernobyl accident has thus demonstrated that significant doses from
radioactive iodine can occur hundreds of kilometres from the site, beyond
emergency planning zones. Many U.S. government studies have
documented similar results from possible accidents at U.S. nuclear reactors. A sharp distinction in the requirements for
stable iodine prophylaxis based on distance from the accident site cannot be
made. For example, few regions in Europe are situated so far from a
nuclear reactor as to preclude any potential need for stable iodine
prophylaxis against inhaled or ingested radioactive iodine.
Another important insight gained from the Chernobyl accident concerns the
side effects from stable iodine. In Poland stable iodine, as single doses, was
given to 10 million children. No serious side effects were seen, though
gastrointestinal effects and minor skin rash were reported. Of newborn infants
receiving 30 mg potassium iodide in their first two days of life, 0.37% (12
infants) showed a transient increase in serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH),
combined with a decrease in serum free thyroxine (T4). This transient thyroid
inhibition has had no known consequences to date. Seven million adults took
stable iodine although it had not been recommended. Among these, only two
severe adverse reactions were seen, both in persons with known iodine allergy.
In summary, the incidence of severe side effects from a single dose of
iodine was less than 1 in 10 million in children and less than 1 in a million
in adults." Unfortunately, even though recommended by the
President's commission after the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster and by
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and by the American Thyroid Association (see
for details), and many other research groups, Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets are
still not stockpiled and available for use by most of the endangered U.S. public
in the case of a future radiation disaster (whether from an accident, terrorism,
or war). The U.S. public should wonder why other countries, like Britain, France,
Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Japan,
Canada, and many others stockpile stable iodine pills (like Potassium Iodide
tablets) to protect their public from radiation emergencies. And while a few
states have some very limited KI stockpiles for use by the public in a nuclear
emergency (Maine, Tennessee, Arizona, and Alabama), most of the nation's
public is unprotected. Only Tennessee reportedly allows a few thousand people to
stockpile KI in their homes that are adjacent to a nuclear power plant (see www.ki4u.com/#7
). This is a small step in the right direction, in that to be most
effective, people should be able to take KI pills as soon as a radiation health
emergency exists and as soon as recommended by public health officials and/or
physicians. Indeed, because of the problems associated with mass evacuations
during nuclear emergencies, people in many radiated regions may be instructed to stay in their
homes and close their windows and seal their house from outside air as much as
possible. This was the case during the radioactive iodine release from a uranium
processing plant around Tokaimura, Japan, on September 29, 1999, where several
hundred thousand people were asked to stay in their homes with the windows shut.
If KI pills are available in homes, then vast numbers of the public could safely
stay in their houses rather than risk an evacuation or risk staying in place
without the radiation blocking protection of KI pills. One particular note of concern is that many in the government are
recommending stockpiling KI tablets only in regional centers. The problem
with this suggestion is that in a true emergency, you need to rapidly get the
pills into the hands of the public and this is essentially impossible in many
likely scenarios if the KI pills are only stored in a regional stockpile and you
are trying to conduct an evacuation at the same time. Many experts have recommended stockpiling KI
in homes and local urban centers, such as in schools, libraries, hospitals, fire stations,
police stations, etc. As
mentioned above in the example of Tennessee (where KI pills are available for
free to the public that lives within 5 miles of their nuclear power plant -- if
people take the time in advance to go pick it up at a Health Center), for those who live closest to the
nuclear power plants (that is, especially within about 20 miles of the plant),
there is a need for in-home supplies of KI pills to ensure timely administration
of this drug. Without home storage of KI, people may impede required evacuation
activities by their need to proceed to KI distribution centers. People may also
be faced with the quandary of whether to stay in place with the doors and
windows shut or try to venture forth to obtain KI supplies. In addition, local stockpiling of KI in homes and urban
centers would allow the public to more readily look over the suggested use and
contraindications for use (such as a known allergy to iodine as is the case with
some who have allergic reactions to eating fish). Experience from Poland and
other countries show that the risks are exceedingly small for taking radiation
blocking KI pills -- at the recommended dosage levels that are far below the
risk range of the vast majority of people -- compared to the risk of long-term
cancer and thyroid abnormalities in children and young adults (less than 40
years of age) who have been exposed to radioactive iodine. The adverse
reaction rate was demonstrated to be less than 1 in 10 million children and less
than 1 in 1 million adults according to the World Health Organization (see "Guidelines
for Iodine Prophylaxis following Nuclear Accidents -- 1999 update").
The WHO went on to say: "In
practice, this means that the risk of severe side effects can be ignored when
deciding on the intervention level. Minor side effects from stable iodine
prophylaxis, such as skin rash or gastrointestinal complaint, constitute no
major problem." The WHO also went on to say that, based on recent
studies of the Chernobyl data, pregnant women and children should probably be
given stable potassium (like KI pills) if they will be exposed to as low as 1
rem of accumulated thyroid dose of radiation, which is about 25 times lower than
the intervention rate previously recommended by the U.S. government (which was
25 rem -- this number may change as a result of the U.S. government's review of
the Chernobyl data). In
addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that Potassium
Iodide be taken by the public as a radiation blocking pill in cases where the
public could be exposed to dangerous levels of radioactive iodine. {Note: Even though KI is a
non-prescription drug that is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and recommended for use by the FDA, it is advisable to
discuss the risks associated with taking any drug with a physician, especially
if you are taking other medications or have a known allergy to iodine. USDPI
recommends you talk with your physician before taking any drug, whether
prescription or not}. The new WHO and the new draft FDA guidelines provide a much more complete
contraindication for use of stable iodine prophylaxis which, if followed, should
further reduce the risks of widespread administrations of this GRAS drug. (Note,
the old FDA guidelines found in books like Nuclear War Survival Skills
and included with many of the bottles of KI sold or distributed in the past,
contain too high of dosages of KI for children 12 and under, and especially for neonates and those
under three years of age. The FDA
has new draft guidelines that lower the recommended dosage for these groups akin to what is
recommended by the WHO). Please see the associated RAD
BLOCK ™ Information Guide
for more information on recommended dosages and warnings for use of KI. On a legal note, many in the U.S. government speak of the risks of potential
lawsuits if people have some adverse reaction to KI pills if taken based on the
recommendation of a government official. On the other hand, if the government does not protect the population from
known radioactive iodine risks by providing KI in local and home-based
stockpiles as is done in numerous other countries , tens of thousands of lawsuits are likely to result in the aftermath
of a major U.S. nuclear materials or power plant disaster due to associated
thyroid dysfunction and cancer. This is especially true when
considering the recommendations in the Report of the President's Commission on The
Accident at Three Mile Island disaster and after the known risks
demonstrated by the Chernobyl aftermath data reported by the WHO. Could a major nuclear power plant disaster occur in the US? The
answer is "Yes"! Numerous U.S. government studies confirm this
as a possibility. With what probability is greatly
debated. This debate rages because of the complexity of scenarios and the
politics of the nuclear power and regulatory industry. Perhaps it would suffice
to say that many complex factors could lead to a major nuclear power plant
disaster in the US or Canada, to include: a major earthquake near a nuclear
power plant, human error on the part of nuclear power plant workers or
manufacturers or suppliers, a disgruntled or insane nuclear power plant worker,
terrorist activities, prolonged power outages combined with other plant
problems, etc. And while the U.S. nuclear power plants are much better
engineered for safety than the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a ruptured
containment vessel at a U.S. power plant is quite possible and indeed,
governmental and nuclear power industry emergency management specialists plan
for it on a regular basis and are planning a new generation of power reactors
that will further reduce these risks. It is also well known within the nuclear power
industry, that minor accidents occur on a regular basis due to human error or
purposeful sabotage. There are 103 licensed nuclear power plants operating in the United
States today and many others that operate in Canada near the northeastern
U.S./Canadian border. In addition, there are numerous other non-power
related nuclear reactors in the U.S. and Canada along with nuclear processing
and storage facilities. The map below only shows the locations and regions where
there is a radioactive iodine risk from nuclear power plants. Many other
parts of the country are exposed to nuclear radioactive iodine risks than from
what is shown below due to the non-power reactors and nuclear materials
processing and storage, such as those in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, and
Oregon. What should you do as a U.S. citizen?
Disclaimer: The USDPI provides the above information as a public
service. While we have worked hard to ensure the accuracy of all of the above
information, we are not infallible. We welcome any questions or comments you may
have. USDPI and the author are not medical professionals and are not providing
specific medical or professional advice or recommendations to any specific
individual. For specific medical advice for you or your associates, please
consult a physician. Always consult a physician prior to taking any drug,
even if it is a non-prescription drug (like KI) and is recommended by the FDA
and the World Health Organization, etc.
Buy KI for your family here!
Three Mile Island: The Rest of the Story...
Comments or questions should be directed to the author, Kevin Briggs.
Nuclear Power Plant Hazard Issues
Are you prepared for a nuclear power plant
Observations about the Three Mile Island Nuclear
Saturday morning, shortly after 3:00 a.m., the Mallinckrodt Chemical
Company agreed to provide HEW with approximately a quarter million
one-ounce bottles of the drug. Mallinckrodt in St. Louis, working with
Parke-Davis in Detroit and a bottle-dropper manufacturer in New Jersey,
began an around-the-clock effort. The first shipment of potassium
iodide reached Harrisburg about 1:30 a.m. Sunday {USDPI
comment: over 3 days later than needed if the containment vessel had
actually burst within the first day} . By the time the last
shipment arrived on Wednesday, April 4, the supply totaled 237,013
Three Mile Island Power Plant Today
Distance in Miles
(rem) for Exposed
Children Outdoors*
Map: Copyright © 2000 United States Disaster
Preparedness Institute (USDPI)
see www.delorme.com for the products
required to produce maps like the ones above]
Lessons from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
On April 26, 1986, the number 4 nuclear reactor at Chernobyl was torn apart
by a steam explosion that resulted both because of serious human error and poor
reactor design. As a result, about 30 people died within the first few months of
acute radiation exposure and thousands of others received dangerous levels of
radiation that would seriously impact their long-term health.
The Current Situation: Many Lessons
from History Seem to be Ignored
Copyright © 2001 United States Disaster Preparedness Institute
Last modified: March 03, 2001
"It flowed like hot olive oil," said the vice president of the company operating Three Mile Island, in reference to TMI's uranium fuel. - Edward Kintner, executive vice president of GPU Nuclear. General Public Utilities denies that TMI releases could have harmed anyone, but the company has quietly paid at least $15 million in out of court settlements. Although the nuclear industry repeatedly told the public that Three Mile Island didn't have a meltdown, about 48 tons of fuel (32%) melted, of which 30 tons reached the bottom of the containment, having melted a 2x5 ft. hole in the inner wall of the containment. - New York Times. "Jack Herbein [MetEd's plant manager] confidently predicted that the amount of failed fuel was 'considerably under one percent.' [the NRC will allow a commercial nuclear reactor to operate with 'up to one percent failed fuel.'] ...As the fuel-damage debate continued, at least 80 percent of the reactor fuel had failed." - Mark Stephens, Three Mile Island. The following journalists, who spent long periods of time in the area covering the accident, developed cancer and died: Pete Stoler (Time magazine), Bob Shakney (CBS), Paul Cowan (Village Voice), Cathy Machen (ABC), and Jack Pollard (New Era, Lancaster, PA). All 3 emergency feedwater pumps had been undergoing maintenance for 2 weeks prior to the accident - a serious violation of regulations. The #2 reactor at TMI was not equipped with a supplementary safety system. Temperatures inside the reactor vessel climbed above 752°F (400°C). Hydrogen gas bubble(with oxygen, xenon, argon, etc) reached 30 cubic meters, which, at about 2,000 psi, had the equivalent explosive potential of 3 tons of TNT. On March 30, 52,000 cubic meters of radioactive water were discharged into the Susquehanna River without permission from the NRC. -- The Truth About Chernobyl, by Grigori Medvedev "[the information exchange between the licensee and the NRC included] A 12:15 p.m. suggestion [by the NRC on March 28] that the primary cooling system be 'blown-down' or de-pressurized - a maneuver followed by the utility and resulting in the reactor core's being uncovered for a second time."- "Three Mile Island" by Mark Stephens (Random House) "...a year after it all began, Unit 2 was still not in cold shutdown. In the reactor 1,500 gallons of water had to be added each day to replace the 1,500 gallons that continued to leak daily into the containment sump. With the control rods gone - 69 silver and boron rods melted by the intense heat of March 28, 1979 - only the boron-laden cooling water kept the reactor from coming back to life. After a year, Unit 2 still relied on a single safety system in each area of plant operation. And these systems had been running for a year without maintenance in radiation fields far stronger than they were ever designed to withstand. If the last cooling pump or the last steam generator failed, then the accident at Three Mile Island would pick up right where it had left off in April 1979. Only, this time, there would be no safety systems at all to save the plant." Statistics indicate that there was a tripling of Harrisburg's infant death rate in the three months after the tmi accident. - Harvey Wasserman, Killing our Own: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, Dell Publishing, 1982. Approx. 66 million curies of Iodine 131 was in the reactor at the time of accident. "From the three months of 1979 prior to the accident at Three Mile Island to the four subsequent months, the infant mortality rate rose in Pennsylvania by almost sixteen percent, in Maryland by 41 percent. The... official 1979-1980 infant mortality rate for Dauphin County [site of tmi] was 37 percent higher than the rate for the previous two years; during the same period, the U.S. infant mortality rate dropped by eight percent. The probability... by chance is less than one in one thousand." - Deadly Deceit. 2,500 lawsuits have been filed against Metropolitan Edison, alleging thet the accident at TMI has caused a host of radiation induced illnesses. (3/91) The environmental consultants retained by Metropolitan Edison (owner of TMI) reported: "Based on techniques used in this analysis, dose estimates are consistent with the release of seven million curies of noble gases in the first one and one half days and one million in the next three days, and a relatively small amount thereafter." - Kemeny Commission.
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