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Last Updated: January 1st, 2003


Russian Intel Warns CIA:
Next Target A US Nuclear Facility
Source: Ren TV, Moscow
in Russian 0900 gmt 12 Sep 01
BBC Monitoring © BBC

Russian intelligence warns CIA that more attacks imminent BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom Sep 12, 2001
  Text of report by Russian Ren TV on 12 September Presenter - Yelena Meshcheryakova   Russian intelligence agents know the organizers and executors of the terrorist attacks in the USA. They are Usamah Bin-Laden's organization, the Islamic movement of Uzbekistan and the Taleban [Afghan] government.   According to the internet publication, Russia's foreign intelligence special envoy told the CIA that there were at least two Uzbeks among the suicide terrorists. Our security services are warning the USA that what happened on Tuesday is just the beginning, and that the next target of the terrorists will be an American nuclear facility. 

Source: Ren TV, Moscow, in Russian 0900 gmt 12 Sep 01 BBC Monitoring/ © BBC. World Reporter All Material Subject to Copyright


From 11/25/2001 article:

Influential Russian Says 'Clock Ticking' for Next Attack

Dr. Alexandr Nemets and Dr. Thomas Torda
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2001
The authors already mentioned in October the name of Geidar Dzhemal, chairman of Russia's Islamic Committee and an active member of the Eurasia movement, a movement backed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and promoted by Putin's chief strategist, Gleb Pavlovsky.

Dzhemal is also closely tied to Muslim fundamentalists both in Russia and abroad.

In late October and early November, Dzhemal gave several interviews to the Russian media, including the establishment paper Pravda.

These interviews paint an interesting and quite informative picture of what really happened. Here are some excerpts of Dzhemal's comments to Pravda in an article entitled "9-11 Secret Sources."

  • The members of a certain totalitarian sect carried out the 9-11 strikes (evidently, Dzhemal means al-Qaeda, whose members are blindly obedient to its leaders).

  • The strikes were prepared over several years by several high-level specialists from the secret service of an "already non-existent state." (We believe this refers to East Germany, the former German Democratic Republic or Czechoslovakia.) Dzhemal claims this group of specialists planned the strikes and guided the actions of the "totalitarian sect members." The specialist group included several top-quality hackers who apparently entered U.S. web sites and government computers to gain information to help plan the 9-11 attacks.

  • After the 9-11 strikes, the "planning group" left the U.S. and "vanished" into some European country.
'World War Threat'

On Nov. 15, according to Russia's Interfax Agency, Geidar Dzhemal told reporters in Moscow that the U.S. military presence in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan "brings us one step closer to a world war."

Dzhemal also said that the U.S. will likely experience more terrorist attacks.

Dzhemal said, "A scheme has been launched that is similar to an alarm clock or a torpedo."

Dzhemal also suggested the 9-11 attacks, the anthrax attacks and the impending attacks – while all orchestrated by groups outside the U.S. – are not organized by the same groups.

"... there is not much connection between the groups that are organizing the terrorist acts," Dzhemal told Interfax.

Dzhemal is emphatic that at least one more group of "high-qualified specialists from a former secret service" is acting in U.S. territory and plans at least one more devastating strike.

Dzhemal's warning cannot be ignored; we are dealing with probabilities, but the probabilities are not insignifcant here.

Many questions emerge from these statements, including questions about the financing of these groups.

It is important to remember the spate of news stories in Pravda and the Russian press warning of a financial collapse in the U.S. in mid-August.

One economic adviser to Putin, Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, said openly the collapse of the U.S. would be caused by a "financial attack" – a term that President Bush has used to describe the 9-11 strikes.

After the 9-11 attacks, and before the anthrax letters, Koryagina again told Pravda that there would be additional "financial attacks" of a very unusual nature. Some argue that the purpose of the anthrax attacks is to undermine mail commerce, a critical component of the U.S. economy.

Russia Surprised by Afghanistan

Let's go now from probabilities to facts. Moscow agreed to help America in Afghanistan (more exactly, to provide aid to the Moscow-controlled ethnic Tajik group of the Northern Alliance, with arms and supplies paid by the U.S. and UK), but nobody in Moscow could have imagined that the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance would achieve victory so rapidly.

Even on Nov. 6, Russia’s top experts on Afghanistan, including those in the Russian Academy of Sciences, claimed that the war would continue for many months.

The Russian side expected to reap huge profits during each of those months.

This expectation failed.

To the contrary, the U.S. and its NATO allies are establishing control over Afghanistan and dramatically increasing their positions in the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Moscow's influence in Central Asia and the Trans-Caucasus zone is greatly threatened.

Moreover, the U.S. administration is signaling that after the Afghan campaign it intends to destroy the next nest of terrorism – Iraq.

The ties between Moscow and Baghdad are extremely close, and the Kremlin will do its best to prevent the fall of Saddam's regime.

The same holds true for the regimes in other Middle Eastern "nations of concern" (terrorism sponsors), whose turn would come after Iraq's.

That's why the warnings of Geidar Dzhemal — or, more precisely, of those backing him, who chant "America, pull back, or else!" — should by no means be ignored.

Dr. Alexandr V. Nemets is a consultant to the American Foreign Policy Council. He is co-author of "Chinese-Russian Military Relations, Fate of Taiwan and New Geopolitics."

Dr. Thomas J. Torda has been a Chinese linguist specializing in science and technology with FBIS, and a Chinese/Russian defense technology consultant with the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Get NewsMax's exclusive interview with Col. Stanislav Lunev: CIA Files: Defector Reveals Russia's Secret Plans.

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