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Last Updated: March 18th, 2003


M8 & M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper

New, Expanded, Updated Version of this page now here...
Chemical & Biological Attack, Detection & Response FAQ

NERVE GAS is also known as Tabun GA, Sarin GB, Soman GD, CMPF, GP, VR-55, and VX. Nerve gas interferes with the transmission of messages in the nervous system of the body. This is the most widely used and stockpiled agent by both the United States and what use to be the Soviet Union. It cannot be smelled easily and is very lethal, although it can be used in harassing concentrations. It takes approximately 6 to 8 minutes to take effect and causes death by convulsions and suffocation. It can be designed to have a persistence time from 10 minutes to 112 days.

BLISTER GAS can be either an inhaled agent or a contact agent. It cannot be smelled easily and is usually used to harass rather than kill. The time it takes to affect an individual depends on many factors, but it causes severe skin blisters, completely destroys the skin tissue, and has a persistence time of 1 to 54 days. This form of injury is particularly ugly. Blister gas is a Soviet development, based on improvements in Mustard gas used extensively during World War I. Mustard gas was one type of blister gas used extensively in World War I and many veterans have proof by long-lasting scars.

Description of M9 Chemical Detection Paper below, followed by M8, then practical suggestions
for employing them and strategies for dealing with Chemical Attacks in general.

The M9 Chemical Detector was developed for the U.S. military to enable soldiers to detect Nerve VX, Nerve G (Tabun, Sarin, Soman) and Mustard H gases in combat. It is in current use right now by our soldiers on the ground in the Middle East today. (Also, used by FEMA and First Responders, who we are now selling it to. Government agencies only should contact Shane Connor for M9 roll availability.)

M9 Chemical Detection is used by ground forces and is placed on personnel and equipment to identify the presence of liquid chemical agent aerosols. It contains a suspension of an agent sensitive red indicator dye in a paper matrix. It will detect and turn pink, red, reddish brown or red-purple when exposed to liquid nerve agents and blister agents, but it does not identify the specific agent, nor does it detect any biological agents, such as anthrax. This is current manufacture with an expiration date of December, 2006.


Only $15.00 each for the single card strip above, for as long as they last!

Currently *** SOLD OUT **** as of this morning (Tuesday, 7:10 AM CST, 3/18/2003).
M8 Below still in-stock at this time...
We'll tell you here when they are all gone on the order page.



Excerpts from U.S. Military FM 3-3, Chapter 3,:

    Chemical Agent Detector Paper, M9 is the most widely used method of detecting liquid chemical agents. M9 Paper reacts to chemical agents by turning a red or reddish brown color. Place the M9 detector paper to opposite sides of the body. If you are right handed, place a strip of M9 paper around your right upper arm, left wrist, and right ankle. If you are left handed, place the M9 paper around your left upper arm, right wrist, and left ankle. It is also attached to large pieces of equipment (eg: conditioning systems, shelter or van entrances or vehicles). When attached to equipment, it must be placed in an area free from dirt, grease, and oil. This is especially important since petroleum products and DS2 also cause the paper to change color. M9 Paper is especially useful in detecting on-target attacks and keeping soldiers from entering contaminated areas. Whenever pink, red, reddish brown, or purple color appears on the paper, suspect the presence of chemical agents. As soon as M9 Paper indicates the presence of chemical agents, soldiers and units must take protective action to keep from becoming grossly contaminated. The results of the M9 paper should be confirmed with the M256 kit. Night operations present some problems when using M9 Paper. Color changes will not show up when a flashlight with a red filter is used to read the paper. White light must be used. This could cause some serious OPSEC problems, especially for frontline troops. Commanders must realize that there is a risk if they do not establish procedures for checking M9 Paper for color changes. Soldiers can be rotated into a white light area or the M9 Paper can be collected periodically for reading.

This is the next step up. The M-8 Chemical Detector AND AGENT IDENTIFER. This product was originally designed for military reconnaissance to detect the presence and identity of chemical agents producing agent specific color changes. When activated by chemical agents, this detector may appear to become polka dotted. Compare the color of the dots with the colors marked on front to determine the identity of the specific agent.

With a color change to YELLOW suspect first Nerve G (Tabun, Sarin, Soman) non-persistent gases.
With a color change to RED suspect first Blister agents, like mustard gases.
With a color change to DARK GREEN suspect first Nerve VX persistent gases.

This product, too, is in current use right now by our soldiers on the ground in the Middle East today. It is widely distributed on the battlefield with each soldier carrying some M8's in their protective mask carrier. (Also, used by FEMA and First Responders, who we are now selling it to. Government agencies only should contact Shane Connor for M8 booklets availability.)

Organic solvents such as brake cleaner and bug sprays can cause false readings with product. Do not ingest this product. Please note, this product cannot identify biological agents such as Anthrax. This product must remain dry, as it will not work properly if wet. Product shelf life is unlimited, IF kept dry.


Only $25.00 each for the single card strip above, for as long as they last!

Currently In-Stock now as of this morning (Tuesday, 7:10 AM CST, 3/18/2003).
We'll tell you here when they are all gone on the order page.



What's some practical strategies for the public to employ M9 or M8?

If an chemical alert were sounded that had everyone then buttoned up at home with plastic and duct tape on their windows and doors, the chem detection strip might could be utilized in two ways:

First; if stuck into the window sill on the outside, but out of the rain, you could tell from the safety of inside your home if it was detecting anything outside to have it start changing color. Also, when the all-clear was finally sounded, you'd have some independent confirmation that for your own property and neighborhood it really was OK, as well. Many others, without any such indication, won't have a clue as to what to believe or not and will not be prepared to deal well with such deadly uncertainties and possibly even be paralyzed with fear.

Secondly; if we did get into something nasty, having these detectors inside your safe room, too, would help calm all there that with no color change they were still safe. Placing them along hallways outside the safe room and even throughout the house would also help every ones confidence level later that when they did again utilize the rest of the house, they'd have some more assurance via the chemical indicators of how safe it was to do so.

Situations may even evolve where neighborhood evacuations are called for before an approaching chemical agent arrives on the wind. With your own chemical detection in-hand, you'll be able to confirm every step of the way for your family that you are not inadvertently moving into harm. Or, if the wind had just changed, you'll be able to confirm if your safe route and/or preferred safe destination, really still is.

Also, when travelling or at the mall or an auditorium, etc., if anything ever happened that was panicking people (on foot or in cars) that a chemical attack had been launched there, you could also pull out one of these M9 or M8 strips as you exited the area so as to expose it to the air about you. Whether it was in your hand as you got out of the area or jammed into your closed car window as you drove off, but where you could still see it, half in and half out, you'd potentially have a clue as to how bad it really was right where you are, both inside the car and outside.

The panic could potentially be deadlier than the 'event', especially so if it's a false alarm, and the information gleaned from your chemical detector could help you make wiser choices on how eagerly you'd then risk joining in with a dangerous trampling stampede or crazy panicked drivers, or not.

There are plenty more creative strategies for employing these chemical detectors around where you live, work, play and how/where you travel, especially when moving through high density population targets. Getting that peace-of-mind confirmation that the area you or your family frequents looks clear is a bonus benefit, not to be overlooked. It's something that few others will know and all will eagerly desire, in addition to your being warned when it might not be safe to go out right now.

From U.S. Military FM 3-6, Chapter 1, Chemical Agents:

"A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them;
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
- Proverbs 22:3

Questions, Comments or Suggestions contact:

KI4U, Inc.
212 Oil Patch Lane
Gonzales, Texas, 78629
(830) 672-8734

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