Straight FAQ's on FEMA Surplus Civil Defense Meters with Retail and Wholesale Sources Listed! |
for Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, Potasium Iodate (KIO3) pills, and all forms of radiation protection iodine! |
Selected Index |
Definitions and explanations of terms are given on the listed pages. Because some terms are mentioned on up to 55 different pages, all pages on which some terms are listed are not included.
For broad categories of information, see the Contents page.
Abnormalities from radiation, 16, 43, 44
Aerosol filters for biological warfare, 272
Air burst, 15, 16
Air pumps, see KAP, also see ventilation
Air-slap of an air-blast wave, 259
Alpha radiation (or particles), and protection against, 44
Anhydrite, 26, 219
Atoms, radioactive, 12, 43, 44
Attack Warning Signal, 23
Attenuation of radiation, 14, 39
Auroras, artificial, 20
Batteries, conserving, 26, 100, 101
Beliefs, false re nuclear war, 5
Benches and bunks for shelters
expedient, 117, 118
permanent, 144, 145
Bequerel (Bq), 96
Beta bums, and prevention of, 43, 44, 130, 131
Beta radiation (or particles), and protection against, 43, 44, 130
Biological warfare aerosol filters, 272
Biological weapons, 8
areas, 29, 31, 243
doors, 252-255
effects, 15, 16, 28, 64
effects at distances from GZ, 28
injuries to eardrums and lungs, 252
negative phase (or negative pressure), 254-257
positive phase (or overpressure), 16, 65, 252
protector logs, 253-255
tests, 61
valve, expedient, 256, 257
wave, 24
wind, 63, 64
wind erosion, 245
Blindness, flash, 44
Bodies, disposal of, 105
Bombers, enemy, 25
Bq (bequerel), 96
Bucket Stove, 79-82
from bets radiations (or particles), 43, 44, 130
from heated air, 45
from the popcorning effect, 44, 45
from thermal pulse (heat rays) causing flash burns, 43, 44
of the eye, 44
Bursts, nuclear
air, 15
high altitude, 20
surface, 11
Cancer from gamma radiation (ray) doses from trans-Pacific fallout, 152
risk estimates, 110, 111, 152-154
Candle-lamps, 149
Candles, 149
Canopies over entries, 41, 158, 159
Car, loading for evacuation, 34
Carbon dioxide, dangers from
fires, 61
respiration (exhaled breath), 53, 56
Carbon monoxide, dangers from
candles, 149
fires, 56, 61, 64, 65, 138, 148
smoking, 53
Cesium, radioactive, 76
cfm (cubic feet per minute) of air needed, 51-53, 59, 60
Chair, Bedsheet, 119-124
Chemical weapons, 8
Chernobyl disaster, 112, 152-154
Chimney effect (for ventilation), 51, 52
Chinese test explosion's worldwide fallout, 151, 152
Civil defense
American (budget only), 6
Chinese, 58, 63, 71, 248-252
Russian, 6, 7, 18, 56, 57, 65
Swiss, 6
Clothing and footwear, expedient
beta burns, protection against, 43, 44, 130, 131
cold weather, 125-127
keeping warm without fire, 129
mask, fallout, 130, 131
rainwear, including rain chaps, 129
sandals, 129, 130
winter footwear, 127, 128
Cooking and heating in a permanent shelter, 148, 149
Cooking, expedient
Bucket Stove, 79-82
Fireless Cooker, 82, 148
grain and beans, 82,83
wheat balls and corn balls, 148, 149
Crater of explosion, 11, 12
evacuation, 6, 31
preparations made during, 6
simulation during field tests, 36
Cuban Missile Crisis, 5
Cutting trees and poles, 157, 158
Decay, radioactive, 12, 13
Defense Nuclear Agency blast tests, 68, 244
Diarrhea, 77
Diets, see Food
Digging with pick and shovel, 156
Directional Fanning (ventilation)
importance of, 58
instructions, 59, 60
Distillation of water, 72
Doors, blast, expedient, 252-255
Dose, radiation, 12, 30, 39, 110, 111 Dose rate, radiation, 12, 13
Dose rate meters (survey meters), 12, 94 commercial sources, 96, 97
homemade, see KFM
war reserves of, 95
Dosimeters, 12, 94, 95
commercial sources, 96, 97
war reserves, 95
Dragging logs and poles, 157
Dresden firestorm, 65
Earth arching, 42
Earth rolls (earth-filled rolls), 156, 157
EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System), 23
Effective Temperature (ET), 52, 53
Electric power vulnerabilities, 23, 24, 47, 72
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
effects, 23, 24
NAWAS, unprotected against
EMP, 22 protection against, 23, 26
Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS), 23
Emergency operating Center (EOC), 23
EMP, see electromagnetic pulse
End of mankind propaganda, 5, 11, 16-19
Entrance (entryway) cover, 275, 276
Entries, vertical, for shelters,
expedient, 41, 174, 175, 249-252
permanent, 142-144, 273-275
ET (Effective Temperature), 52, 53
Evacuation, 27-35
by car, 34
check list, 32, 33
during crisis, 6, 31
spontaneous, 31
whether to, 31, 32, 47
Exit, emergency, 142-144
Exit housing, multi-purpose, 273-275
Exotic weapons, 8
"Expedient", definition of, 5
attenuation (by shielding) of fallout radiation, 16, 39
beta burns from fallout, 43
clouds, 28, 55
clouds, stabilized, 27, 28
decay (of fallout radiation dose rate), 12, 43
deposition, times required for, 12, 13, 55
extent of, 25
high-risk areas, 29
highest-risk areas, 29
local, 15
origins of, 12
particles, 12, 43, 54, 55
patterns, 27
Trans-Pacific, 113, 151-154
weathering of, 13
Fallout masks, expedient, 130, 131
Fallout (radiation) meters, see Dose rate meters, also see Dosimeters
Famine relief by trucked grain, 74
Fear, 20
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 6
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), 6
Fertility after nuclear war, 16, 76
Field tests (families building expedient shelters), 35, 36-42, 50, 155
Filter, and homemade filter box, 271, 272
carbon dioxide, fire-caused dangers, 61
carbon monoxide, 53, 54, 56, 61
causes of, 64
dangers, relative, 61, 64
easily ignitable materials, 14
forest and brush, 61
homes, 48, 62
oxygen depletion by, 61
protective measures, including whitewashing, 61, 63
secondary causes after blast, 61, 64
thermal radiation (ignition from fireball), 61, 62
urban, 61, 65
Fireball, 11, 15, 44, 61, 62
Fireless Cookers, 82, 148
Firestorms, 14, 61, 65
Flash blindness, 44
Flash burns, 44
baby foods, emergency, 89-91
basic survival ration to store, 88, 89, 147
contamination by fallout, and decontamination, 16
expedient processing, 77-79
flotation, of grain hulls, 78
grain and bean diets, 83-85, 88, 89
loss of animals, 75
meat, precautions post-attack, 75
minimum needs, 75, 76
multi-year storage, foods for, 88
nutrients, essential, expedient ways to provide
animal protein, minimum requirement, 87
fat, 87
iron, 87
niacin and calcium, 86, 87
vitamin A, 86
vitamin C, 84-86
vitamin D, 86
one year supply, 146-148
requirements, daily, 84, 85
reserves in U.S., 87, 88
salt requirements, 53, 66, 83-86, 92
sieving husks from flour and meal, 78
sprouting, 85, 86
storage, 88-92, 105, 146
survival ration, basic, to store, 88, 89, 147
Footwear, expedient, 127-129
Furnishings for shelters
Bedsheet-Chair, 124
Bedsheet-Hammock, 119-123
benches, seats, and bunks, 117, 118, 144
Gamma radiation (rays), 14, 38-40, 94
Genetic damage from radiation, 16
Glass windows, dangers from, 24, 25
Grain mills
expedient, 77
hand-cranked, 148
Grains, grinding with farm machinery, 78
Gray (Gy) (unit of absorbed radiation dose), 96
Ground zero (GZ), 15
Halving-thickness of shielding material, 13, 14
Hammock, Bedsheet-, 119-123
H-bomb, 43
Help from fellow Americans, 21
Hewing flat, square sides on logs, 253, 255
Hiroshima, 15, 16, 44, 61, 64, 244
survivors, 21
warning, inadequate, 22
Hot-spots of radiation, 55
ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile), 23-25
sites, 29, 30
"In Time of Emergency", 45, 57
Infection prevention, 103-107
Initial nuclear radiation (from fireball), 15, 257-259
Insects, control by screens, etc., 51, 101, 104, 106, 141
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), 23-25
Iodine, tincture of, as prophylactic on skin, 116
Iodine, radioactive, 60,72, 111-115, 152-154
KAP (Kearny Air Pump), expedient advantages proven by tests, 50-54
instructions, complete, for making and using, 193-212
KFM (Kearny Fallout Meter), expedient dose rate meter advantages proven by tests, 97-99
instructions, complete with patterns, for making and using, 213-239
instructions, with tabloid layout sheet, for tabloid reproductions of the KFM instructions, 241-242
needed materials and tools: only those found in millions of homes, 97, 218, 219
untrained Amen cans who have made KFMs, 97, 99, 194
Kearny Air Pump, see KAP
Kearny Fallout Meter, see KFM
KI cc Potassium iodide
Kiloton (KT), 17
Lamps, commercial, 101
Lamps, expedient, 101, 102
Life-support equipment for shelters, 45
Light for shelters
candles, 101, 149
electric, with batteries and bulbs, 100, 101
daylight, through exit housing, 275
for permanent shelter, 149, 150
lamps, expedient, 101, 102
minimum needed, 100
Log dragging, 157
MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction), 6
Mask, expedient, fallout and dust, 43, 54, 130, 131
Megaton (MT), 14
Midgetman, 55
MIRV, Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry vehicle, 27
Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), 6
Myths about nuclear war, 11-19
Nagasaki, 13, 15-17, 21, 44, 243
National Academy of Sciences, findings and recommendations, 16, 53, 54, 110
National Shelter Survey (NSS), 47
National Warning System (NAWAS), 22
Nausea, 65
Navy shelter-occupancy tests, 52, 53
NAWAS (National Warning System), 22
Neglect, benign, 108, 109
Neutron warheads, 8
NSS (National Shelter Survey), 47
Nuclear attacks, types of, 7
Nuclear explosions, limits on destructiveness, 15-17
Nuclear weapons, accuracy and targets, 7
"Nuclear winter" theory, 17-19
Occupancy field tests of expedient shelters, 51, 52, 117-119
Occupancy field tests of permanent shelters, 52, 53, 66, 106
Overkill, 16, 17
Oxygen, lack of, 61
Paralysis, emotional, 20, 21
Pellagra, 86
PF (protection factor), 14, 29, 42, 134
Picocurie, 154
Plutonium, 43
Poles and logs, cutting and dragging, 157, 158
Popcorning effect, skin burns, 44, 45
Population relocation (crisis evacuation), 6, 31
Potassium iodide (KI)
doses for thyroid protection during and after nuclear war, 113, 114, 116,
doses for thyroid protection during and after peacetime nuclear accidents, 111-113, 116
expedient ways to prepare and take, 115, 116
FDA official patient information, 112, 113
prophylactic use for protection against Trans-Pacific fallout, 152, 153
ways to obtain, 114
Protection factor (PF), 14, 29, 42, 134
"Protection in the Nuclear Age", 45, 57
psi (pounds per square inch), 15
Psychology of Survival, 20, 21
Public shelters, 47, 48
Pump, Double-Action Piston, instructions for making and ventilating shelters with, 261-270
Punkah (fan), 50
R (roentgen), 94, 110
Rad, 110
Radiation doses
delayed effects, 13
genetic injuries from, 16
lethal, 13, 94
lifetime risks from, 110, 111
non-incapacitating, 13
whole-body, 13
Radiation meters for measuring fallout
commercially available models, 96
critical need for, 94
KFM (expedient), see KFM
maintenance and calibration of factory made meters, 97
war reserves, 95
warnings to buyers, 95
Radiation sickness, 110, 111
Radiation world wide effects, 110
Radioactive decay, 12
Radios, how to keep operating, 26
Rain-outs (of fallout particles), 29, 55
Rainwear, 129
Rem, 110
Respiratory diseases, control of, 107
Risk areas, high, highest, 29-31
Roentgen (R), 94, 110
Runways, long, targeted, 24
Russian civil defense, 6, 7, 18, 56, 57, 65
Salt requirements, 53, 66, 83-86
Sanitation in shelters, expedient
disposal of corpses, 105
disposal of excrement and urine, 104, 105
disposal of vomit, 105
food, 105, 106
insect control, 104, 106, 141
personal possessions, 106
Scavenging of fallout particles, 55
Screens, insect, 44, 106, 141
Scurvy, 84, 85
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), 5
Seeds to Store, 92, 93
Shelter Survey, National (NSS), 47
Shelter types, advantages and disadvantages of, 47-49
as post-attack homes, 273-276
needs often overlooked, 150
practice living in, 150
Shelters, blast, expedient, 7, 49
construction principles, 245-255
doors, 252-255
entryways, 242-252
increasing importance of, 243
tests of, 244-246, 248
ventilation, 255
Shelters, blast, permanent, 7, 49
Shelters, fallout, against beta and alpha radiation (particles), 43, 44
Shelters, fallout, expedient, 7
basement, 45, 46
building experiments, 36-42
building instructions, general, 155-159
Car-Over-Trench, 54
earth-covered (shielded), 35, 36, 47-49, 65
instructions, detailed, for six types, see Contents page
snow-covered (shielded), 48, 158
Shelters, fallout, official civil defense (FEMA) instructions, 45
Shelters, fallout, permanent, 7
Shelters, fallout, permanent family, 134-150
Shelters, fallout, public, 47, 48
barrier, 39
geometry, 39, 40
Shielding materials, halving thicknesses, 13, 14
Shock wave (blast wave), 44
Sievert (Sv) (dose equivalent), 96
Skin diseases, prevention of, 106, 107
Skyshine, 39, 41
SLBM, targets of and arrival times, 23-25, 31
Snow for shielding, 158
Snow-outs (of fallout), 55
Soviet nuclear strategy, 27
Star Wars, 5
Stove, expedient, for cooking and heating, 79-82
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 5
Strontium, radioactive, 76
Submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and targets of, 23-25, 31
Surface burst, 11
Survey meters (dose rate meters), 12, 94, 96, 97
Surviving without doctors (self-help), 108-116
Sv (Sievert) (dose equivalent), 96
Swiss civil defense budget, 6
Tactical warning, 22, 24
Targets, probable, 16, 29, 31
Television and EMP, 23, 24
Temperature, effective, 52
Terror, 20
Thermal (heat) radiation from fireball ignitions by, 14,61-63
other effects, 44
protective measures, 61-63
Thirst, 66
Three Mile Island accident, 152
Thumb-test for stable earth, 155
Thyroid abnormalities, damage to
Marshall Islanders, 111
by other exposures to radioactive iodine, 111, 152
Thyroid abnormalities, prevention of by means other than prophylactic potassium iodide, 115, 116
by prophylactic potassium iodide, see Potassium iodide
Toilets, expedient, 103, 104
Toxins, bacterial, 75
Transistors, EMP damage, 26
Tree felling, 157
Trench digging, 156
Tunnel shelters at Nagasaki, 15
Ultraviolet, post-attack, exaggerations of dangers, 17
Urination and water, minimum needs, 66
Ventilation, shelter, safe times for stopping, 272
Ventilation-cooling of shelters
cold weather, 53
cooling before occupying, 54
filtered sir, 54
forced, by expedient air pumps, see KAP, also see Directional Fanning, also see Appendix E
hot weather, 52, 53
inhalation dangers, 54, 55
natural, 53
need for shelter air pumps, 193, 194
requirements, 50-53, 56
through multi-purpose exit housing, 273, 274
warnings re official instructions, 56-58
without filters, 54
Vitamins, expedient ways to provide
niacin, 86, 87
vitamin A, 86
vitamin C, 84-86
vitamin D, 86
Vomiting, 104
Warnings of attack, 22-25
given by the attack itself, 23-25
how to respond to, 25
NAWAS, 22,23
types of, 22
Water, 66-74
bags, expedient, for carrying and storing, 66-68
bail-can for wells, 71
boiling, 70
chlorine bleach, 69, 70
tincture of iodine, 2%, 70
filtering, including removal of radioactivity, 71-74
minimum needs, 66
permanent shelter, supplies for, 145, 146
requirements, 66
salt needs with, 66
siphoning, 69, 70
sources, 71
storage pits, 66
storing for years, 145
storing in expedient containers, 67-69
Weathering effects, reducing fallout hazards, 13
Windows, dangers from shattered glass, 24, 25
X-rays, 12, 13
for Potassium Iodide (KI) tablets, Potasium Iodate (KIO3) pills, and all forms of radiation protection iodine! |
Straight FAQ's on FEMA Surplus Civil Defense Meters with Retail and Wholesale Sources Listed! |